Codes of Courage

An Heirs of Falcon Point Historical Novel

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
344 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite

The story takes place at the beginning of World War II. Karl is Austrian and has lost his family and his home and wants nothing more than to fight in the war. Millie is a young woman who also wants to end the power of the Nazis. Rolf is on the other side and wants nothing more than to defend his country as he serves on a U-boat throughout the war. Codes of Courage by A.L. Sowards revolves around their lives. Karl wants to serve in the Royal Navy, but because he is Austrian-born, he is considered a foreigner and therefore does what he can by joining the merchant navy. Millie is also doing her share by breaking codes and decoding German and U-boat information. Millie and Karl, against all odds, find each other, fall in love, and marry. They face so many hardships due to the war keeping them apart for weeks and months on end. Rolf is a radioman and is also separated from his wife and child a good deal of the time. As the attacks continue Karl and Rolf find themselves in ice-cold waters after their ships are attacked and sunk.

Codes of Courage: An Heirs of Falcon Point Historical Novel was wonderful. This novel is a fictional presentation of a difficult time in our history. Each one of the characters comes from a very different background yet, over the course of the novel, they face the same terrors, heartbreaks, and fear which in the end bring them all together in a surprising conclusion. There is some truth mingled into the fiction done with great skill by A.L. Sowards. I believe that Codes of Courage could be a blockbuster movie and would love to see this happen. I urge you to read this novel if you are a fan of historical, epic, or dramatic tales. Codes of Courage is a sure winner and should be placed high on your reading list.