Crossing Borders

Book One - The Origin Story

Non-Fiction - Adventure
376 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Crossing Borders is an exciting journey into the origins of a life that veers off the conventional path into a world of adventure, risk, and, quite literally, border-crossing. James M. Goodrich takes readers on a wild ride, recounting his early years in the 1960s smuggling parrots from Mexico with his mother. It’s a tale that, from the very beginning, hints at the high-stakes life he would later embrace. This first volume sets the stage for what becomes a thirty-year career of crossing borders with contraband. Goodrich paints a picture of a childhood shaped by smuggling and the glitz of the entertainment industry, which he skillfully ties to his future exploits. The narrative moves quickly, providing a feeling of life on the edge.

The photos and news articles make Crossing Borders even more relatable as we “see” James M. Goodrich throughout the years. These real-life artifacts add authenticity to the story. The visuals enrich the reader’s experience, providing a fascinating historical backdrop to his adventures, and the news articles are remarkably clear, so they are easily read. The book offers a mix of nostalgia and adrenaline as Goodrich recounts the moments that defined his path. From his first boatload of marijuana in 1969 to the clever tactics that kept him under the radar, Crossing Borders is packed with jaw-dropping stories that read more like a Hollywood movie than a memoir. Crossing Borders is a must-read for anyone who loves a great adventure book. Goodrich's journey is captivating and full of twists, and his voice is candid and entertaining.