Crossing the Blue Ridge

A Tale of King's Mountain

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
280 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Crossing the Blue Ridge: A Tale of King's Mountain by author L. E. Denton is a work of fiction in the historical fiction, adventure, and military action genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. In 1774, just as the American Revolution began, Caleb Anders sought adventure and freedom from his oppressive family by heading into the American frontier west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. He befriends Nate Daniels, and together they face the challenges of frontier life. They must decide whether to protect their community from Cherokee attacks in Virginia or join General Washington's fight for freedom. This historical novel recounts their journey and the crucial role of forgotten Patriots in the decisive Battle of King's Mountain during the American Revolutionary War.

Author L. E. Denton brought the pages of history to life in a deeply engaging and inspirational novel that beautifully captured the raw spirit of adventure and the pursuit of freedom that defined the American frontier in 1774. Caleb Anders' quest for independence is sure to resonate with historical fiction fans seeking heroes of the frontier, evoking a sense of empathy for his struggles and aspirations through speech, thought, and action. We sit on his shoulder through many adventures, always close to his attitude and perspective. His friendship with Nate Daniels added warmth and camaraderie to their perilous journey, making their joint decisions and challenges even more compelling as their bond grew. The vivid descriptions of the rugged mountainous wilderness and the tense encounters with Cherokee Indians brought the historical setting to life, immersing me in the era's dangers and beauty, and it was clear that a huge amount of detailed research on the era had taken place. The moral dilemma Caleb and Nate faced highlighted the complex choices that shaped the nation's history at a difficult time. Denton's portrayal of the Battle of King's Mountain was particularly stirring, shedding light on the unsung heroes who played pivotal roles in America's fight for independence. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend Crossing the Blue Ridge to fans of compelling and immersive historical fiction.