
Blood is Thicker than Water

Non-Fiction - Memoir
698 Pages
Reviewed on 09/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Custody: Blood is Thicker than Water by Danial Kenneth Mason is inspired by Mason’s true story of fighting for custody of his only son. Set in the 1960s, the book chronicles Mason’s emotional and legal battle against a biased legal system that favored mothers in custody matters. After his marriage ends, Mason faces immense challenges in seeking justice, finding a lawyer, and navigating the harsh court system. With faith and determination, he ultimately finds an ally in an extraordinary female lawyer, marking a pivotal moment in his historic custody case.

Author Danial Kenneth Mason’s personal and emotional storytelling draws readers deeply into his challenging custody battle, and this insightful memoir sheds light on the complex and often overlooked aspects of custody cases that I’d certainly never considered before. The author’s ability to depict the legal system’s biases offers a crucial insight into historical gender dynamics in custody cases and the typical ways in which we think that don’t (and shouldn’t) apply to all situations. Mason’s narrative is balanced to offer different perspectives around his own so that we can see the different sides of the story, and the tale is told with clarity, honesty, and compassion for his son at the forefront. Mason’s resilience and faith throughout serve as a powerful message of hope and determination. The book’s vivid portrayal of a father’s struggle against overwhelming odds makes it essential reading for anyone fighting for justice and parental rights. Overall, Custody is an engrossing and informative read that I would certainly recommend to those who need it.