
War of the Harbingers

Fiction - Science Fiction
439 Pages
Reviewed on 03/13/2023
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Author Biography

I grew up in the countryside of Michigan, surrounded by cornfields and dreaming of worlds outside our own. There wasn't a lot to do, but read, watch movies, and use my imagination. Because of that, I practically expected to be abducted by aliens or stumble into Narnia. Since then, I took those delusions of grandeur and started putting them into stories and characters.

I typically write science fiction with action and adventure, but I try and fuse that with the character's emotions to create something truly special. And hopefully, if I did a good job, it's a book you will remember.

I currently live in small-town USA with my family, and many rescued animals. Visit to learn more.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

War of the Harbingers: Deathwind is a work of fiction in the science fiction, action, and adventure subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience and was penned by author Brad Pawlowski. In this thrilling work that moves at a mile a minute, we find ourselves embroiled in the exciting world of interstellar conflict with Nathan Stryder, formerly a simple college student from Earth. Plucked from obscurity and plunged into this dangerous situation, Nathan uses his savvy ways to negotiate himself out of captivity and barter for his sister's freedom, but doing so requires him to serve in his saviors’ military. Here he meets a kindred soul, Arista, and begins to learn about the world around him and the friends and foes that wait around every corner.

Author Brad Pawlowski has crafted a wonderfully comprehensive work of science fiction that leaves no stone unturned in its development. The layers of worldbuilding and concept that form the bedrock of the story are solidly developed, with a particular interest in the Meraki Dominya and their culture, attitudes, and history. The alien threats are well-realized, not just as the plot's big, exciting danger points but as a separate force with their own internal logic and fully-rounded society. Then there’s Nathan and Arista, whose character development, close narrative, and sharply-penned dialogue allow us a deeper insight into their attitudes and feelings, moving the plot forward effortlessly with naturalistic exposition but also bonding us to them. To top it all off, the fantastic pacing of the novel allows for slow-burning moments of suspense and character development that suddenly spill into tense twists, conspiracies, battles, and heroic moments with cinematic depiction. Overall, War of the Harbingers: Deathwind is a novel that fans of well-penned, sensational science fiction simply must read.

Scott Cahan

War of the Harbingers: Deathwind by Brad Pawlowski is an action-packed, science-fiction military drama. It centers around two warriors, Nathan and Arista, who learn to fight together, becoming skilled killing machines. Over time they fall in love, but their budding relationship is a problem. As military tensions increase, Nathan and Arista suddenly find themselves on opposite sides of a war. At the beginning of the story, Nathan is a lazy earthling. After much time and intensive training, he is turned into a fearless fighting machine. He takes on aliens, assassins, and super soldiers, coming out on top most of the time, but the more he fights the more it becomes clear that he’s fighting a war that is impossible to win.

War of the Harbingers: Deathwind is an enjoyable read as Brad Pawlowski has given us the two necessary ingredients for a great story: strong characters and a strong plot. Both of those elements thrive in this book. The cast of characters is unique and fully fleshed out. Nathan and Arista are especially interesting characters that you will grow fond of quickly. The plot moves fast and furiously, providing lots of exciting turns along the way. The story also excels in all of the science fiction battle scenes. It would make a great video game involving lots of one-on-one hi-tech clashes between armies with to-the-death battles. Maybe we'll see the video game version someday, but for now, we'll have to be content with the story and what a great story it is, especially for fans of character-driven high-octane science fiction.

Jessica Barbosa

Have you ever felt like you know how your life will end up? Nathan Stryder is haunted by impossible dreams since his childhood. He is on a battlefield, running, attacking, and trying to survive against strange-looking creatures. Despite his constant dreams, he never expects to suddenly be placed in the middle of an interstellar war. Nathan and his sister Susan have been through a lot in the last couple of months. They lose their parents in a terrible car accident, Susan is in a wheelchair, and they have a crushing amount of debt. Nathan is angry and devastated. Out of everyone in the world, why did they have to experience such tragedy and loss? Nathan is uncertain about their future and he doesn't know what to do. However, all of his worries about debt, school, and how to care for his sister are thrown out the window when a strange alien-like craft kidnaps them. His worries shift overnight to survival. He has to save the only family he has left. Will Nathan survive the road ahead? Read Deathwind: War of the Harbingers by Brad Pawlowski to find out.

Brad Pawlowski introduces a compelling main character in the first pages of this engrossing science fiction novel. Nathan Stryder faces loss, devastation, and uncertainty. His journey to a new world and the challenges he faces had me constantly on the edge of my seat. The humanlike aliens have their agenda and the war has not been kind to them or the other galaxies. Nathan’s problems just seem to add up the deeper I went into the story. I felt bad for him but I admired his bravery and determination despite being faced with the unknown and impossible. His perseverance to save his sister added emotional depth to a harrowing journey. The devastation he suffers is heartrending but along the way, he gains new relationships and grows. The world-building is skillful and the futuristic technology is impressive. The characters we are introduced to are also remarkable and distinctive. The narrative's pacing is spot-on, and I was immediately absorbed in the action and the twisting plot. This story is an effective blend of action and science fiction and I found it hard to put down. Pawlowski’s Deathwind: War of the Harbingers took me on a heart-pounding and unforgettable adventure. Outstanding work!