Defense Medical Exams Made Easy

A Painless Guide for LNCs

Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Silvia Aninye's Defense Medical Exams Made Easy discusses the pivotal role of Defense Medical Examinations (DMEs) within legal frameworks where medical conditions are contested. These examinations, overseen by physicians or neuropsychologists, scrutinize clients' health statuses in relation to alleged injuries, varying in nomenclature like "insurance medical examinations" or "independent medical examinations," reflecting different perspectives and biases. Aninye, drawing on her experiences, outlines procedural protocols and state-specific regulations governing DMEs, stressing adherence to jurisdictional rules and documentation standards shaped by case law. She underscores the impact of technology on DME procedures and discusses ethical pitfalls, including biased examiner selection and unethical practices aimed at inflating claims. Aninye also speaks about the crucial role of Legal Nurse Consultants (LNCs) in ensuring accuracy and ethical conduct during DMEs, preparing them for adversarial legal settings, and advocating strategic business management for LNCs, including marketing and subcontractor management.

Defense Medical Exams Made Easy: A Painless Guide for LNCs by Silvia Aninye does an exceptional job of offering practical insights and real-world examples to guide observers and practitioners through the DME process effectively. Aninye's work is absolutely exhaustive, with each aspect methodically explained. This is important because Aninye recommends the same level of meticulous documentation through recording or note-taking in the book. One of the things that I really appreciate about Aninye's guidance is that there is no ambiguity whatsoever on who is supposed to do what, and that we are fully aware that there is only black and white—there are no grey areas. As an LNC, the dual role of an observer and advocate for the client's well-being during the exam is clarified. Aninye explains the protocol for handling unethical behavior such as improper force during range of motion tests, ensuring such incidents are documented and reported to the attorney. However, she also states clearly that there is to be no objection to the doctor's exam unless there is harm being done. The writing is clear, straightforward, and academic while still being accessible. I do not doubt that this book is worthy of a spot among the most comprehensive texts on DMEs, providing LNCs with the all tools needed to ensure thorough client representation and procedural integrity.