Deliberate Duplicity

A Sasha Frank Mystery

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
294 Pages
Reviewed on 12/29/2020
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Deliberate Duplicity by David Rohlfing is a Sasha Frank Mystery. The Constitution Trail has suddenly become a dumping ground for dead bodies as, one by one, they appear at different places. This is the work of a deadly serial killer, a methodical killer who poses the bodies with their eyes wide open. These are the only witnesses to his bloody crimes, witnesses who tell no tales. Detective Sasha Frank wants nothing more than to solve this, to bring the gruesome killer to justice before any more bodies appear. But nothing is ever straightforward and the clues the killer gives leave Sasha with few answers to an ever-growing list of questions. Sasha has to find out if the victims are connected to each other and must solve this mystery before the clock stops ticking.

Deliberate Duplicity: A Sasha Frank Mystery by David Rohlfing is a fantastic story that delves into the twisted yet brilliant mind of a serial killer. If serial killer stories are your thing, this story will excite you, it will leave you chilled to the core and on the edge of your seat all the way through. The action is all-encompassing, pulling you into the story and taking you along for the ride – you can’t get off, even if you want to. The characters are easy to relate to, real people with real flaws and real problems. They will become your guides, your friends, and your enemies through this gripping tale of terror and I guarantee you won't want to put this book down until you reach the very last page.