
Triskellion Book Two

Fiction - Fantasy - Urban
518 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Demons: Triskellion Book Two by Rodney W. McWilliams is a horror novel set in a rural community where strange, terrifying occurrences begin to unravel the peace. The story starts with a chilling murder at a local bar and escalates as body parts are discovered in a river, prompting a local sheriff’s investigation. As dark forces emerge, the plot intertwines supernatural elements with crime, blending suspense and fear. McWilliams explores the fragility of small-town life under the shadow of something sinister.

Author Rodney W. McWilliams excels at creating an atmosphere of dread from the very first moment of this excellent novel, with the slow unraveling of mysterious, gruesome events that keep readers on edge. It’s a testament to his skill in suspense that we never lose the feeling of looking over our shoulders for danger throughout the entire read. I was also really engrossed in the descriptions as McWilliams paints vivid, eerie environments that heighten the sense of isolation and terror in a rural setting. It feels like you get to know the town and its locals, which adds yet more suspense as readers start to worry about where the next betrayal or secret will come from. The dialogue is sharp and natural, with the characters' fear and confusion palpable in their words and actions so that the pace is never spoiled by huge amounts of prose. Yet there are some poignant quiet moments with reflection on the horrors that are befalling the town, and these are just as chilling and impactful as the horrors themselves. Overall, Demons is an intense and enjoyable read for fans of dark dealings and mysterious crime stories.