Desert Brave

Desert Born / Book One

Fiction - Womens
436 Pages
Reviewed on 09/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Desert Brave by Gin Coleman is a women’s fiction novel that follows Kira Fontaine, who arrives in Arabia with a single mission: to find a legendary lost river. Her plans take a dramatic turn when her plane crashes, leaving her stranded in the vast desert. Drawing on her Native American heritage and faith, Kira embarks on a perilous journey for survival. Along the way, she rescues a mythical golden horse and uncovers an ancient mystery in a hidden valley. As she navigates treachery, murder, and love, Kira must decide whether to find her way home or become part of the desert.

Author Gin Coleman expertly blends adventure with rich cultural detail and emotional depth, creating a story that is both thrilling and educational. I loved the natural way that we learn about Kira’s heritage through her whole ethos and way of viewing the world, with a beautifully up-close narrative that shows her every thought and feeling. The author’s vivid and sensory descriptions of the Arabian desert immerse readers in the harsh yet mystical landscape, enhancing the novel’s sense of adventure by letting us feel the moments of struggle and wonder that Kira goes through. She’s also highly resilient and resourceful as a heroine, and this warmth and confidence is carried through into the narrative voice and command of the plot, making readers feel that they’re in safe hands from cover to cover with an inspiring tale of adventure and bravery. The intricate storyline is well-paced and filled with mystery, danger, and romance, keeping readers engaged until the highly satisfying conclusion. Overall, Desert Brave is a must-read for fans of moving personal journeys of discovery, nature, and survival.