Devolution of Power

Rolling Back the Federal State to Preserve the Republic

Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics
188 Pages
Reviewed on 05/17/2024
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Author Biography

Government reform is a topic avoided by politicians and interest groups to protect their privileged status. My mission: remind citizens they possess the power to prevent a national collapse driven by mounting debt, regulatory sclerosis, and perpetual undeclared conflicts.

With a career spanning four decades in public policy, I've held significant roles such as senior vice president of the U.S. Chamber, chief counsel on Capitol Hill, chairman of a state environmental board, and partner in D.C. law firms. My experiences, including testifying before Congress forty times and participating in hundreds of federal rule-makings, have shaped my unique perspective on changing government policy. At age seventy, I retired to embark on a writing career, which has produced three books and hundreds of government reform artuckes My books:

Reform the Kakistocracy, awarded the 2021 Independent Press Award for Social/Political Change, provides a roadmap to reverse the accumulation of federal power. Readers' Favorite gave it five-star reviews.

The Left's Little Red Book on Forming a New Green Republic is a parody of Mao's Little Red Book. It tells the story of how the radical Left uses concern for the environment to attack capitalism, promote socialism, and control individual freedom.

Devolution of Power: Rolling Back the Federal State to Preserve the Republic describes how our federal government, possessing more power than it can manage, can be restructured by devolving its domestic powers to the states to create a more accountable government, closer to the people it serves and greater individual freedom.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Devolution of Power by William L. Kovacs discusses the state of affairs in America. The country is not united, and many things are not working. But how did we get here? Many people working for the federal government are not loyal to the Constitution, and they do not serve the institutions that employ them, hence compromising the separation of powers. It is the people who are the losers when there are no checks and balances. Things have been made worse by the two parties, which has made the people's representatives more loyal to the party than to performing their duties. The parties have also made it very difficult for other parties to vote in elections. The delegation of power to the states is a step in the right direction. The citizens also have the duty and extraordinary power to effect change through the ballot, which is like a peaceful revolution. 

Devolution of Power: Rolling Back the Federal State to Preserve the Republic by William L. Kovacs is a must-read! I was instantly captured by the thought-provoking concepts discussed, such as the insights offered on the climate change issue that is at the top of the agenda among many governments. Is it truly about the climate or about controlling the people? Issues such as unbridled immigration and the reluctance of those in power should act as an eye-opener. I loved how William articulated the issues, providing relevant examples and statistics, which made the book very effective in passing on the intended message. This was an incredible read, and I look forward to reading something else about governance by this author.