Disappear, Love

Romance - Suspense
226 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In Disappear, Love by E. Hughes, Victoria “Tai” Taisha Lawford collaborates with her friend Dana, a police detective, to investigate a series of restaurant fires in her hometown, Madison Heights. Tai, who feels somewhat suffocated by her parents at home and has unresolved guilt over the death of her fiance, dives into her work as a stringer and researcher to help. A spanner is thrown in the works when her ex, named O, reappears after vanishing from her life six years ago. Crazier still, he serves as the chef at his family's restaurant, which has been spared from fires. When the arson investigation escalates to include homicide, O becomes a suspect and the focal point of the arson case. Tai must unravel the mystery of why he left, where he went, and whether or not he or his family, who also have mafia connections, have anything to do with the case.

Disappear, Love by E. Hughes wastes no time in plunging readers into a whirlwind of events. Between Tai's mother, her friend Dana on the arson investigation, and a scary ordeal on a bike path, the story maintains an appropriately fevered pace. I loved how Hughes turns atmosphere into symbolism, like a burned-down diner that not only evokes feelings of desolation and foreboding but serves as a reminder of the dangers lurking all around Tai. While Tai's conflict over O's potential involvement in the crimes and the mystery of it all drives much of the plot, her arc is incredible, spanning from confusion and doubt to determination and conviction. Initially torn between her love for O and the evidence against him, Tai transforms as she starts piecing together the truth behind the case. Written in an accessible, conversational style and with a bit of sizzle, Disappear, Love is a solid piece of romance-mystery escapism and a steady page-turner.

Pikasho Deka

Disappear, Love is a romance thriller by E. Hughes. Victoria "Tai" Lawford is a twenty-four-year-old journalist whose life turns upside down when she unexpectedly reunites with her high school boyfriend, O, who inexplicably went missing six years ago. Meanwhile, a serial arsonist is setting fire to local establishments in Madison Heights, and O is the prime suspect. Tai's best friend, Dana Cooper, is the lead detective on the case, and she seeks Tai's help to catch the culprit. However, Tai still has feelings for O, and soon, the two rekindle their relationship. However, due to a family debt and a troubled family member, O refuses to come clean with the authorities. Additionally, Tai's boss, Jonathan Lewis, also develops feelings for her. With the arsonist on their trail, do Tai and O have a future together?

This is a fast-paced novel with twists and turns galore to woo readers. Filled with romance, mystery, and suspense, Disappear, Love hooks you in from the get-go and has your attention until the end. E. Hughes spins an intriguing tale of love, family loyalty, and betrayal, featuring a few curveballs at key moments of the story that have you wondering what's coming next. With a tight plot and a cast of well-developed and dynamic characters, the author ensures you enjoy every moment of reading. While Tai is an immensely likable and relatable protagonist, O is a man of integrity with a mysterious past. I loved the chemistry between the two main leads. Fans of romance and thrillers will have a blast with this one!

Keith Mbuya

After losing her fiancé in an accident a week before their wedding, Victoria Taisha Lawson, a freelance investigative reporter for the Madison Heights Journal, found it hard to move on. She keeps herself busy writing about the sudden random cases of arson that plagued restaurants all over the small town. While discussing the cases with her detective friend Dana, she runs into her mysterious high school lover, whom she only knew as “O”. It has been six years since O disappeared, leaving Victoria in the dark, with no contact or explanation. Dana thinks O has something to do with the arson cases and wants Victoria to get close to him for any information that would help solve the cases. However, when O makes a move, the two soon get lost in the heat of rekindling their lost love. Torn between sticking to the initial plan and following her heart, Victoria faces hard choices as she uncovers ugly truths. Is their love meant to be? Find out in E. Hughes’ Disappear, Love.

Lovers of romance suspense novels will find E. Hughes’ Disappear, Love to be an enthralling read. Forging an intriguing plot, Hughes whisked me away from reality and dropped me into a world of love, betrayal, vengeance, sacrifices, mystery, adventure, drama, and so much more. The narrative has a macabre tone, giving the story a touch of horror. The vivid depictions had me feeling like I was in the middle of all the action in the small town of Madison, helplessly watching the scenes unfold. One moment I watched Victoria take notes for her article at a crime scene, safe with Madison Heights PD officers. The next thing I knew, she was running for her life as a supposed assailant followed her on the muddy dirt road that led to her home. The author brings out the cast’s intricate emotions, juxtaposing their complex traits. This gave the story a solid grip on reality, making it easy to connect and empathize with them. Victoria’s resolve is tested to its limits, but one thing is clear; love always wins.