Distant Fantasy

The Return

Fiction - Dystopia
333 Pages
Reviewed on 07/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Distant Fantasy: The Return by author Anthony C. Wray is a work of fiction in the dystopian, interpersonal drama, and action genres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to graphic wartime scenes and the use of explicit language throughout. In this thrilling tale, Colonel John Locklear is haunted by survivor's guilt from losing his entire squad. Returning home, he finds that his childhood journal inexplicably details his recent dreams. Summoned to a utopian island, he meets Natasha, and John's alter ego Zac is tasked with saving the last human city on the brink of civil war. As factions prepare for the return of an ancient evil, Zac discovers his comrades are alive, altering the course of the impending war.

Author Anthony C. Wray utilizes a great sense of emotion and tension to craft an exhilarating and thought-provoking dystopian read. Colonel John Locklear's struggle with survivor's guilt and the mysterious connection between his childhood journal and recent dreams created a gripping narrative from the start, with a lot of complex psychological content that is unpacked at a great pace. The transition from John's personal turmoil to the grander scale of a utopian island and a city on the verge of civil war was seamless and captivating, layering big-picture themes alongside intricate, character-led moments where we could really sit on the shoulders of the characters and relate to them deeply. The duality of John and his alter ego, Zac, was a brilliant way to explore the themes of identity and destiny and see the direct effect of emotional turmoil on the characters. The revelation that Zac's comrades are alive just as the war begins introduces a thrilling twist, heightening the stakes and emotional intensity with some great twists. Overall, Distant Fantasy: The Return is a highly recommended work for fans of well-developed dystopian fiction.