
Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
286 Pages
Reviewed on 08/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Angelique Papayannopoulos for Readers' Favorite

Diva, a psychological thriller by Joseph Kinnebrew, is about a woman who has no regard for right and wrong, nor does she care for others' feelings in her pursuit of money and sexual gratification. The man in the story calls her Diva and she is a sociopath. As long as lust and riches are at the center of her existence, Diva has no morals and is self-centered, wicked, and unethical. While this lifestyle lasts several years, behind the façade is a deeply lonely and lost woman. The man who had a long-term on-and-off relationship with Diva expresses his feelings of being used, abused, and betrayed by her. Furthermore, Diva finds a more exciting life with another female referred to as Lover, but will this lead to a happy ending?

A masterful narrative by Joseph Kinnebrew illustrates in detail the dark and disturbing world of a sociopath's psyche of manipulation and exploitation. The reader will appreciate the vivid descriptions of the characters, particularly Diva. The scenes are strong, believable, and convincing. The author has skillfully highlighted the other end of the spectrum where, beneath the glamour of being part of high society, Diva is just a lonely woman from a sad background who wants acceptance despite the path she chose. There is an almost sympathetic tone you can empathize with. With the plot's steady and deft maneuvering and the language and sexual scenes' explicit nature, the story builds up to a surprise jaw-dropping ending. Diva is an engrossing thriller that will keep you turning pages for hours. It has it all: money, sex, power, vanity and betrayal.