Divisible Man

The Eleventh Hourglass

Fiction - Thriller - General
434 Pages
Reviewed on 07/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alicia DeBerry for Readers' Favorite

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the invisible man got power upgrades? Howard Seaborne answers this question in his thrilling series Divisible Man. In the eleventh novel, The Eleventh Hourglass, Will Stewart pairs with Pidge and Earl Jackson on a rescue mission. Candice, the ex-wife of Earl and owner of the remote lodge Renell is missing and is under threat. The scene at the lodge leaves indications of unbelievable violence. Concurrently, time ticks on as Will delves further into the orbit of multibillionaire Spiro Lewko, who wants to learn how his ability works. Will confronts something icy and lethal in his heart due to long-kept secrets and illegal lies. Can Will solve everything before it is too late?

Divisible Man: The Eleventh Hourglass by Howard Seaborne is a brilliant, action-packed thriller that kept me in suspense as I worried about the fates of Candice, Earl, and Will. I enjoyed Earl Jackson's humorous antics as he spouted movie lines. It was a much-needed distraction from the built-up tension as the plot progressed. When Pidge outlined the rules of scary movies as the plot neared revealing the villains, I laughed again. The author addresses social issues concerning the healthcare system, land ownership, and organized crime. My heart raced to the last page as I looked forward to what came next. I recommend that readers who enjoy the genres of mystery, conspiracy, suspense, and the supernatural, mixed with social issues, check out this book series.