Dread Tribunal of Last Resort

A Novel of the Civil War

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
348 Pages
Reviewed on 07/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Richard Prause for Readers' Favorite

Set in 1861, Dread Tribunal of Last Resort narrates the story of Decker Brown, a young man whose fidelity and political allegiances are tested amid the American Civil War. After finishing his studies in firework rocketry, Decker has high hopes of settling down with his love, Paula, and starting a family and business. Sadly, the Civil War disrupts his plans and prompts him to join the Yankees because he objects to slavery. While he experiences the tragedies and terrors of war firsthand, Paula, his love interest, has her share of battles to endure. She doesn't understand or support Decker's conviction to fight for the enemy. Ultimately, she's torn between her love for Decker and another man. Amid the Civil War, can their love withstand the test of loyalty and time?

Brian Kaufman's Dread Tribunal of Last Resort touches on subject matter such as love, duty, integrity, patriotism, and loyalty. Kaufman renders a spectacular portrayal of his characters. Readers will get a good understanding of the emotions, ambitions, and thought processes driving each one. Through Kaufman's descriptive and eloquent writing, I can empathize with Decker. His character is relatable and convincing. Decker seems to be the person who sacrifices everything, yet his needs and happiness are placed on hold because of his drive to do the right thing. He's constantly divided between his loyalty to Paula, his country, and his integrity. In terms of setting, Kaufman does an excellent job of reconstructing and depicting the experiences of the Civil War period. The realistic battle scenes will draw you in. History buffs will be captivated by this astounding read.