Dream Big

Peyton’s Hip-Hop Adventure

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Peyton loves hip-hop music, especially rap. She knows how to move to the beat. In Paula Banks’ Dream Big, Peyton is challenged by the upcoming school talent show to demonstrate her talent and share her love for music. She writes her own song, all about the musical spirit that moves her: “In the quiet of the night,/ under starry skies so bright,/ I feel the beat in my bones./ My heart takes flight.” She’s pleased with her song, but worry creeps in over the next few days as she waits for the big day. Is her song good enough? Is she good enough? The poster on her wall, “Dream Big,” spurs her forward and she knows she has to do this for both herself and her mom who will be out there in the audience, cheering her on no matter what.

Paula Banks’ picture book, Dream Big: Peyton’s Hip-Hop Adventure, is an endearing story about bravery, determination, self-expression, music, and the importance of family and friends. The plot follows young Peyton as she lives her dream of standing up on the stage at the school talent show and sharing her love of rap music. The language is simple so young readers can easily follow along and the illustrations by J. D are bright, bold, colorful, and full of life, complete with random balloon messages to continually share the themes. There is a powerful thread pushing this story forward as Peyton overcomes her self-doubt and builds her courage with the help of her mom and her best friend. This is a great story to teach young readers the importance of determination, following your passions, and dreaming big!