
Rick Malone Short Story Book 5

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
49 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Viga Boland for Readers' Favorite

In Endgame by Russell Williams, Detective Malone and his associate Detective Jenny Peterson follow their instincts and whatever clues are available after Peter Prescott is found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. But why did Prescott commit suicide? It quickly becomes apparent that Prescott was dabbling in the stock market and got caught up in a “pump and dump” scheme which rendered him near penniless. Malone and Peterson hunt down connections and zero in on an overly self-confident con man who encourages high-dollar purchases of penny stocks which could tank at any minute. It’s a common con game that bankrupts eager investors daily in the real world. Reading Endgame is a wise move for those new to but considering dabbling in the stock market.

When you don’t have time to immerse yourself deeply in complex characters and just want to enjoy a short, fast read where clever detectives outsmart greedy con men, reach for Endgame by Russell Williams. This is the fifth book in a series starring Detective Rick Malone. I must say it’s impressive how Williams delivers a plausible plot and a believable protagonist in a short read. Some authors fail to do either, let alone both, in books four times as long. No wonder the first four stories in this series have earned Williams so many complimentary reviews. He deserves them. A refreshing twist in Endgame caught my attention. Many detective stories portray the protagonist as clever and fearless. Rick Malone is intelligent, but not fearless. Williams lets us experience his fear when the conman’s guard holds a gun to the back of Malone’s head. There’s also a nice touch of humanity as the author reveals why Prescott was desperate to make money on the stock market. What am I talking about? Read Endgame.