Enterprise AI

Strategic Blueprint for Purple People

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
181 Pages
Reviewed on 07/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

Enterprise AI: Strategic Blueprint for Purple People by Mahmudur Rahman Manna is a step-by-step guide specifically designed for managers who are dealing with AI transformation in large companies. The book gives a detailed discourse on the processes of implementing AI in different units, subunits, and geographical locations. It offers a systematic, tested approach that can help manage an organization’s AI programs to address various needs and serve multiple purposes. The author describes the Enterprise AI Transformation Framework (EAITF) and the AI Effectiveness Index, which provide tangible approaches to measure AI preparedness and outcomes. With examples represented in Python coding, the book supports the transition from theory to practice and will be useful for business executives, data scientists, and IT specialists who want to put the power of Artificial Intelligence into practice.

The author’s writing style is coherent, reasoned, and easy to follow, even when discussing ideas that may be more technical and nuanced. The use of real-life examples and situations helped me understand the author’s ideas. The systematic approach and clear descriptions make it easy for readers to follow and implement the principles discussed in the book at their workplace. Mahmudur Rahman Manna gives a proper background for the information and truly is an expert in his topic, which shines through the pages and provides the reader with not only facts and knowledge but also motivation and enthusiasm. Enterprise AI is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to prepare their organization for the future with the help of AI and strategies.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Enterprise AI: Strategic Blueprint for Purple People by Mahmudur Rahman Manna is a detailed guide that offers organizations a strategic roadmap for successfully integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their operations. The book introduces readers to the Enterprise AI Transformation Framework (EAITF), which is a structured approach that combines AI with decision-making, automation, and intelligence processes to enhance efficiency and competitiveness. The core concept of the framework is Decision Domain Management (DDM), which optimizes both cognitive and non-cognitive functions through AI-driven solutions, aligning with the organization's objectives. The EAITF simplifies complex data to prioritize AI initiatives, ranking decision domains by their potential impact on revenue generation and cost savings. Additionally, the framework uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to derive a quantifiable AI Effectiveness Index and provides a hands-on Python guide to help readers implement EAITF. The guide emphasizes ethical and legal considerations, responsible AI use, and continuous learning. The EAITF is designed to be dynamic, adapting to rapid changes in AI technology and its applications.

Artificial Intelligence is making a huge impact worldwide with its wide range of applications. In Enterprise AI: Strategic Blueprint for Purple People, Mahmudur Rahman Manna details a step-by-step approach to identifying departments that can benefit from AI and how to effectively implement it. The book explores various examples of AI in action, from automating tasks like payroll and recruitment to solving complex problems and generating innovative ideas. The author uses relatable analogies, such as comparing profiling and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to tools for a treasure hunt, which makes the book's complex concepts more accessible. This approach makes the book enjoyable to read and facilitates a deeper understanding of the material. Consequently, the book is beneficial to professionals looking to enhance their skills and educators seeking to teach these concepts to students.

Doreen Chombu

Enterprise AI: Strategic Blueprint for Purple People by Mahmudur Rahman Manna provides a comprehensive guide to the Enterprise AI Transformation Framework (EAITF), which serves as a visionary compass for enterprises navigating the complex landscape of AI deployment. The framework is based on a deep understanding of business process life cycles, identifying tasks ripe for AI's transformative touch, and a detailed analysis of decision-making within large organizations, leveraging established frameworks to provide a granular understanding of decision domains. The innovative Decision Profiling concept empowers organizations to identify where AI can have the greatest impact by providing clarity on its effectiveness. By incorporating Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and practical Python code, this guide bridges the gap between theoretical frameworks and actionable insights, enabling the creation of an AI Effectiveness Index that guides strategic investments. This systematic approach is particularly valuable for large, complex organizations with multiple units and geographically dispersed entities, helping to untangle decision-making and drive informed AI adoption.

Enterprise AI: Strategic Blueprint for Purple People is a valuable book for organizations looking to successfully implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) within their operations. It covers essential aspects of AI such as cognitive and anon-cognitive functions, automation, decision-making, data quality management, and cultural readiness. The content is clear and concise, making it easy to follow and comprehend. The book also emphasizes the importance of ethical and legal considerations, standardized data protocols, and domain-specific scores and criteria for successful AI implementation, making it an invaluable resource for organizations seeking to effectively implement AI technology. The use of relatable examples by Mahmudur Rahman Manna also helps to make the concepts more engaging and memorable for the reader. Additionally, the inclusion of tables and well-numbered titles provides a clear structure and organization to the content, allowing readers to easily follow along and reference specific points as needed. I recommend this book to any organization looking to successfully integrate AI into their operations and businesses seeking to stay ahead in the AI-driven landscape.

Pikasho Deka

Running a multinational or any large-scale organization is no simple feat. With the advent of AI, large-scale businesses and corporations must embrace and integrate this revolutionary technology at every level of their organizations. With Enterprise AI, Mahmudur Rahman Manna offers a transformative guide for enterprises to help them incorporate AI by following a strategic model that propels them into the future with growth, innovation, and development. In this book, you will learn about the synergy of automation and intelligence, Cynefin Framework domains, different types of enterprise decisions, transforming enterprise data, integration with decision domain management, the Enterprise Transformation Framework (EAITF), and more. The book also delves into each step of the decision domain process, showing you how to prepare for principal component analysis (PCA) and leverage PCA analysis to derive the AI effectiveness index.

Move forward and take your enterprise into a thriving future with this all-in-one guide for AI integration. Enterprise AI is an educational and informative handbook that lives up to its name. With a computing background, Mahmudur Rahman Manna is an entrepreneur-turned-consultant with decades of experience in the tech industry. The author provides readers with an A-Z framework that touches upon every single aspect of AI usage in modern businesses in vivid detail, including its ethical concerns. The content is very technical at times, but Manna presents it in a way that makes it accessible and easy to grasp for the reader. This book offers practical tools and strategies to ensure your organization maximizes the benefits of AI. In conclusion, this is a must-read for innovators, entrepreneurs, and executives who seek to stay one step ahead of their competitors. Highly recommended.

Frank Mutuma

Enterprise AI by Mahmudur Rahman Manna discusses various concepts that can make or break an enterprise. Some of the concepts discussed include automation, which ensures stability and consistency, and AI, which contributes to growth and innovation. One needs to understand the cognitive and non-cognitive business functions, which include all rule-based tasks that play a key role in stability. The cognitive functions involve the application of intelligence in decision-making that involves data analysis, foresight, and strategic planning. Decision-making is critical, and enterprises need to be conversant with various decision types and how to address problems that may arise. The application of AI in cognitive functions should be data-driven, and other factors should be considered, such as the proper foundation for effective results to be achieved. 

Enterprise AI by Mahmudur Rahman Manna discusses business and technology concepts systematically and in such a way that even those who are not experts in business and technology can understand and apply the concepts discussed. Another concept that will interest many leaders is the decision domain model, which integrates theory and real-world business practices. I loved how thorough Mahmudur was in the discussion of key concepts, which left no room for confusion for the reader. The book shows that AI can be used for the betterment of humanity, unlike the fearmongering that has been going on, and the sooner businesses accept AI as revolutionary, the better. It will allow them to reap these tremendous benefits. I believe reading this book is a step in the right direction. I look forward to reading something else by Mahmudur.