Evergreen Uprooted

Memoirs of Secret

Non-Fiction - Memoir
213 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2024
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Author Biography

Nadira Pankey is a multi-award-winning screenwriter and filmmaker. Her life is a testament to unwavering determination and unyielding commitment to success, woven through the vibrant tapestry of New York City's South Bronx.

Facing a challenging start, Nadira graduated high school with a third-grade reading level and worked three jobs as a single parent. Undeterred, she embarked on a journey of self-improvement, beginning with remedial reading courses in college. There, she discovered her love for writing and authored the award-winning book "Evergreen Uprooted, Memoirs of Secret," available on Amazon Prime. Her academic journey culminated in an honors degree in Television Production and Media Studies.

Nadira's career reached new heights at NBCUniversal, where she contributed to shows like "The Steve Wilkos Show," "Jerry Springer," and "The Maury Show," showcasing her versatility and dedication.

In pursuit of a quieter life, Nadira moved to the suburbs, raising her children and continuing to excel in the entertainment industry. Her work extended to Divorce Court at Tyler Perry Studios, BET Award shows, and Netflix's "Rhythm & Flow."

Over the years, she garnered accolades for her work in short and feature films. "Gerald's Hands," her socially impactful feature, received the 2023 Telly Award and highlights critical issues like autism, bullying, and domestic violence. It is available on various streaming platforms, such as Amazon Prime, Tubi, Plex, and Converse.

Her talents encompassed writing, producing, directing, editing, and more. Nadira Pankey's journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of storytelling to inspire and transform lives.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

Evergreen Uprooted by Nadira “N.A.Z.” Pankey is a memoir that explores the life of a young girl growing up in a tough neighborhood in the Bronx, New York, during the 1980s. The story is told through the eyes of the narrator, who is known as Secret, and it is a harrowing and often disturbing account of her experiences with poverty, abuse, and addiction. The book begins with a vivid description of Secret's mother, Ann, who is struggling with addiction and abuse. Secret describes her own experiences with poverty and neglect. She tells of how she often goes hungry and has to wear hand-me-down clothes. The narrative takes readers through her struggles in school, where she is frequently bullied and feels like an outsider. Despite these challenges, Secret finds solace in her relationships with her sisters, Naomi and Armani. She describes them as "different branches" on the same tree, each with unique strengths and weaknesses.

Nadira “N.A.Z.” Pankey’s memoir Evergreen Uprooted is filled with pathos, and the reader is instantly pulled into this broken world. The book also explores the themes of identity and self-discovery. Secret’s journey to find her place dominates the narrative. The book is a raw and unflinching portrayal of the struggles of living with a mother who is addicted to drugs and the impact it has on her children. The narrative is filled with emotional scenes, like when Secret’s mother asks her to take a hit of crack, and Secret is shocked and horrified by the request. This scene is emotionally powerful because it shows the depth of the mother's addiction and the impact it has on Secret's life. Another emotionally powerful scene is when Secret describes her experience of walking home from school and seeing her mother getting high in the stairwell. The imagery is vivid and captivating, and the author offers a finely drawn portrait of a world broken by crime. The well-executed first-person narrative voice enhances the strength of this narrative and pulls readers into Secret’s world. Overall, this is an engaging memoir that examines the role of addiction in creating dysfunction in homes and breaking children.