Everything That Was

Young Adult - Coming of Age
294 Pages
Reviewed on 10/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Everything That Was by K.R. Hansen delves deep into the layers of grief, memory, and the longing for connection in the wake of unimaginable loss. Prudence "Pru" Spellmeyer is navigating her senior year in high school after the tragic death of her older brother, Davis. This disorienting journey unfolds through Pru’s struggle to deal with her grief, the disintegration of her family, and the relentless pull of memories that haunt her. All she wants is to finish college and leave, but for her to succeed, she will need help. That is how Steve Nolan, her crush from childhood, who she hates for being the cause of her brother’s death, reconnects with her. Steve helps her with geometry, but she becomes emotionally dependent on him as she struggles with recurring dreams about her brother. Can the hand that caused the pain be the same to bring healing?

The characters are vividly crafted, with Pru's complex emotional landscape providing the narrative with heart. Her interactions with her distant parents, whom she refers to as "Robo-Dad" and "Zombie Mom," deepen the sense of isolation and fragmentation in her life. Davis's absence leaves a void in her life, and the memories of their close, almost telepathic bond linger heavily in her attempts to forge a new path. Pru's relationship with Steve—Davis's best friend—increases the level of tension as their shared history both comforts and complicates her grief. Set in a small, suffocating town, the backdrop amplifies Pru's feelings of entrapment. The familiar spaces become laden with reminders of Davis, prompting Pru's desire to escape to the city. K.R. Hansen skillfully contrasts the mundane setting with the vivid memories Pru has of a time when happiness filled the air, mainly through her bond with her brother. This is a beautifully crafted narrative about loss, grief, and healing, infused with humanity and realism. Everything That Was is a page-turning read.