Exodus to Unity

Bridging the Gap Between the Traditional Christians and Millennials

Christian - Non-Fiction
103 Pages
Reviewed on 07/12/2024
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Author Biography

Dr. Allma Johnson is a Professor of Biblical Studies, keynote speaker, and the award-winning author of Exodus to Unity: Bridging the Gap Between Traditional Christians and Millennials. As a simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplant recipient, she is committed to bridging generational gaps and fostering unity through the transformative power of biblical truth.

Dr. Allma also hosts The Seeds of Transformation Podcast with Dr. Allma Johnson, where she explores a myriad of topics—from healthcare to finance—all grounded in the biblical truth that everything begins with a seed. Her professional focus is on empowering individuals and promoting unity through the insights of Scripture.

You can listen to The Seeds of Transformation Podcast with Dr. Allma Johnson on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Audible. Her book, Exodus to Unity: Bridging the Gap Between Traditional Christians and Millennials, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads. For a signed copy, visit Blueberry Blessings Christian Bookstore in Las Vegas, NV, or order online at www.drallma.com.

If you would like to connect with Dr. Allma on social media or contact her for speaking engagements, visit her website at www.drallma.com.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

There is a widening gap not just between various Christian generations but also between God and man. Exodus to Unity by Dr. Allma Johnson expounds on the various causes, importance, and ways of bridging the gap. One of the things that shape how people are is bias and misunderstanding, which can hinder the sharing of truth. Most of these biases and misconceptions are shaped by worldviews. Concepts in the modern world, such as increased acceptance of naturalism, false spirituality, and Christ consciousness, all hinder true unity. There is a general feeling that millennials feel entitled, while traditionalist Christians are viewed as being stubborn and holding on to practices that are not necessarily in the Bible. Is there a common ground, and is unity grounded in biblical truth possible?

Exodus to Unity by Dr. Allma Johnson is deeply rooted in the scriptures, and I loved how the author provides relevant verses throughout the book. Many readers will also appreciate the emphasized format of critical examination, scrutiny, and questioning as a means to discern falsehoods such as naturalism, pantheism, and polytheism. My biggest takeaway from the book was that despite being called to preach in the times we find ourselves in, the preaching and the unity between various generations should be grounded in biblical truth. The author also dissected various issues systematically, leaving no room for confusion for the reader. The warm tone and the easy-to-understand language used make the book very effective in passing on the intended message. I am looking forward to reading something else by this author.

Philip Van Heusen

As I read various news feeds, I see Millennials leaving the church in record numbers. What is causing this phenomenon and what traditional Christians can do about it is discussed by Allma Johnson in Exodus to Unity. This excellent book looks at the various things (religious and others) that make Millennials consider the church as irrelevant to modern society. Allma also covers the consistency found in the Bible and how the Bible teaches the truth, ethics, and the difference between right and wrong. As traditional Christians reach out to Millennials, they should remember that all outreach must be done with love and compassion. It is important to look beyond the action and talk of an individual and see their inner needs. Another vital role of traditional Christians is to mentor those returning to our fathers’ faith.

Exodus to Unity by Allma Johnson is a wonderful primer for anyone wanting to discover why Millennials are being drawn away from the church and what traditional Christians can do to stem the tide. The gap between the two generations is obvious. Allma goes beyond the obvious to concrete actions that can help bring people into the fold of God. Her style of writing is straightforward and easy to follow. She includes Scriptures with various points, and her concern and compassion for Millennials can be seen clearly. Allma ensures we understand that we are not at war with Millennials but seek their return with love and compassion. These two ingredients are key as we share the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ. I highly recommend this book for all who truly want to follow the Lord’s command to “bring them in.”

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Dr. Allma M. Johnson wrote Exodus to Unity to help bring Christians who practice their faith traditionally and Millennials together through the word of God. Dr. Johnson discusses a worldview and addresses questions Christians need to ask themselves to focus on bringing other generations to Jesus. She details topics like influence, skepticism, scriptural tools that help you in worldly debates, and unity between generations and its effect on the spread of the gospel. Dr. Johnson states the need to open a consistent dialogue about misconceptions and biases, so others are aware of the church's true standpoints and comprehend what it means in their lives. At the same time, the author shows how most Millennials are not trying to sabotage the Christian faith; they are simply approaching it with a different set of beliefs and biases.

Dr. Allma M. Johnson's book is a call to action. The author challenges Christians to look at their own behavior when determining the reason Millennials may hesitate to accept Jesus. Do our actions model Christ's teachings or ideals, and do we take the opportunities to speak knowledgeably about our faith when circumstances arise? I certainly hope when I'm faced with a person who could benefit from my knowledge of scripture, I am up to the challenge. This book opened my eyes to some behaviors I may not have seen as judgmental, and now I feel better prepared to have difficult and/or enlightening conversations with people who may not fully understand my belief in God's truth. If you're ready to embrace a common mission with Millennials and share Jesus's love, solidifying a connection between generations for generations, you will enjoy Exodus to Unity.

Doreen Chombu

Exodus to Unity by Dr. Allma Johnson aims to bridge the gap between traditional Christians and millennials by breaking down misconceptions, biases, and worldviews that often create division. The author delves into the influence of naturalism, pantheism, and other modern ideologies on our understanding of God, as well as the origins of the New Age movement and its manipulation of biblical truths. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding and communication in achieving unity and harmony between Christians and millennials, and ultimately, between humanity and God. It encourages readers to approach each other with love, empathy, and an open mind, recognizing that God is the ultimate bridge builder. The book also emphasizes that no matter your age group, we should all live lives that honor God and reflect His character.

Exodus to Unity is a timely and valuable resource that helps readers navigate the complexities of modern society and stay grounded in the truth of Christianity. Dr. Allma Johnson's clear and systematic approach makes it easy to follow her arguments and see how certain philosophies and religions contradict Bible teachings, leading to a deeper understanding of God's love and truth. Her writing style is engaging and accessible, making the book an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and live a life of unity with God and others. The concept of bridging the gap between traditional Christians and millennials is unique and compelling, as it acknowledges the significant generational divide that has emerged within Christianity. By bridging this gap, churches and leaders can create a more welcoming and relevant environment. Exodus to Unity is a must-read because it is eye-opening and informative, exploring the reasons behind this divide and offering practical advice on how to bridge the gap.

Pikasho Deka

It's undeniable that the gap between traditional Christians and millennials is getting wider by the day. With the changing times, Christians need to try to understand the diverse perspectives of different people on spirituality and life. However, worldviews can often lead to biases and misconceptions. In Exodus to Unity, Dr. Allma Johnson advocates the pursuit of truth according to the teachings of scriptures while taking a deep dive into worldviews such as naturalism, pantheism, polytheism, and the New Age movement. This book will help you identify the gap between God and humanity, forge connections with millennials through faith in God's revealed truth, reset relationships and bridge the gap with the younger generation, unite people under the umbrella of God, and spread His message among the masses, and much more.

With the declining interest in Christianity among the newer generations, books like Exodus to Unity have become more relevant than ever. Dr. Allma Johnson explores the ways the teachings of Christ can help reestablish connections between different generations, especially traditional Christians and millennials, and usher in a new era of spiritual enlightenment and awakening. The author also shows the detrimental effects of biases and preconceived notions and is particularly critical of the New Age movement and its cultural impact on the world. The narrative is well-organized, and Johnson presents each topic with a keen attention to detail, providing in-depth explanations to engage and educate the reader. This book is a must-have for any practicing Christian. My overall feeling is that Christian readers will find a lot to learn and love about this book. Highly recommended.

Pam Hayes

Dr. Allma Johnson takes a much-needed deep dive into the new era of millennials as it pertains to the traditional Christian beliefs, values, and practices. She gives a closer look at Christianity and the trajectory of the church and investigates the truths behind the millennial gap that has turned them away from Christianity. Dr. Allma Johnson does a phenomenal job of addressing disconnect with the current state of both groups and brings awareness of the division that has occurred. She explores "Bridging the Gap," through truth and understanding aligned with scripture. One must read this book to understand the importance of closing this gap between these groups.

Mark W. Purnell

This excellent writing emphasizes, through an examination of the new age movement, and dissecting how this movement and other secular viewpoints have created gaps.

In this work , Dr. Allma Johnson, points to the need to strengthen our Christian community. The author invites the reader to embrace her sincere hope to bring down the increasing divide and bring us together as one United body in Jesus Christ.

I highly recommend reading this work.

Sammy Moon

This book really opened my eyes to the challenges within our church community. As someone who has seen the generational divide firsthand, this book gave me a clear understanding of why so many young people are leaving the church. The author uses real-world examples that made the issues relatable and easy to grasp.

One of the things I loved about this book is its hopeful approach. Instead of just pointing out problems, it offers practical solutions and strategies to bring different age groups together. It was inspiring to read about ways to foster understanding and connection, and it gave me hope for the future of our faith community.

This is a must-read for anyone concerned about the church's future. It provides valuable insights and a path forward for bridging the generational gap. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to make a positive impact in their church and community.

Ely C.

Exodus to Unity: Bridging the Gap Between the Traditional Christians and Millennials" by Dr. Allma M. Johnson is an insightful and compelling read that addresses the growing chasm between traditional Christian beliefs and the perspectives of the millennial generation. Dr. Johnson expertly navigates the complex dynamics between these groups, offering both wisdom and practical advice grounded in biblical truths.

Sharon Maynard

I have so enjoyed Dr. Allma Johnson‘s book. The book is titled “Exodus to Unity” bridging the gap between the traditional Christians and Millennials. Dr. Johnson’s book speaks about Christians and secular viewpoints such as naturalism, pantheism, polytheism, and the New Age movement. These are areas that I have never really had an opportunity to investigate or read about, and I truly appreciate how in depth she has gone into explaining these different viewpoints. She examines the truth regarding both movements. I was really impressed with the information regarding deities and the following of man-made traditions throughout the generations. I would recommend this book “Exodus to Unity” to anyone looking for clarity in bridging the gap between Christians and Millenniums. We are in need of the Truth! Thank you Dr. Allma Johnson - Sharon Maynard