Exploring is NOT for Me!

George & Gemma Series

Children - Picture Book
36 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mimie Odigwe for Readers' Favorite

In Exploring Is NOT For Me, written by Nancy Jean and illustrated by Lucy Shin, George does not want to go on an adventure. He would rather stay at home all day than explore. When he is made to go camping with Gemma, George grumbles and groans throughout the ride. Nothing Gemma does or says can brighten his mood, even when she sings or dances. At the park, George is miserable. The ride was extra bumpy, and he couldn’t make his blankets comfortable. When asked to go treasure hunting with other dogs, birds, and even squirrels, George refuses. His answer is always the same: “Exploring is NOT for me.” Can Gemma convince George to let loose and have fun at the park?

Gemma is an exemplary character. She tries her best to ensure George enjoys his stay, yet she doesn’t let his mood affect hers. George is a relatable character—many young children have things they dislike or fear, and they will quickly identify with George. Exploring Is NOT For Me teaches children to step out of their comfort zone and make sacrifices for those they care about. It’s clear that George cares for Gemma and tries his best to make her happy. Author Nancy Jean also adds an insightful lesson on eiderdowns and how These are made. Her words are simple and appropriate for the target audience, while Lucy Shin’s illustrations complement the story well. This book is an excellent recommendation for teachers and parents looking for engaging and relatable stories to introduce to children.