Falling in Flames

Power Wielders Book 2

Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
320 Pages
Reviewed on 08/04/2024
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Author Biography

I'm a British author based in the North West UK and I published my first book, Drifting in a Dream in 2021. Since then, I've published a second book in the Power Wielders series and I'm currently working on a third instalment as well as a new series. Reading has always been my favourite form of escapism and writing seemed a natural extension of that, albeit with less relaxation and more stress. Nevertheless, I am determined to share my imagined worlds so that you might escape your real one.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

Falling in Flames: Power Wielders Book 2 by S.E. Palmer follows Kaiya as she attempts to juggle life as a young woman and a power wielder. Having been thrust into this life without notice, Kaiya and her counterparts, Ross and Benji, must work together to defeat the fragments and their queen. The only problem is Ross is the only one who knows how to wield his powers and he’s reluctant to either teach the others or tell them anything about their situation, least of all about the previous power wielders. It is up to Kaiya and her friends to overcome the challenges ahead of them but, in particular, Kaiya needs to learn to overcome her fear.

Falling in Flames by S.E. Palmer is such a good book and even though this was the second book in the series, I could easily follow along with what was happening and pick up on previous events. However, Falling in Flames made me wish I had read the first book, considering how good this one is. I really liked the concept of the power wielders. It kind of reminded me of Benders in Avatar although there are just three elements that need to work together. I also really enjoyed the characters, especially Kaiya. I felt that although she seemed to be very naïve at times, all her little shortcomings leave so much room for growth and her character has so much potential. Ross, although a very prickly character in the beginning, definitely grows on you the more you read. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to any future installments.