Free Sings the Sea

Young Adult - Romance
187 Pages
Reviewed on 09/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Free Sings the Sea by Stacey Bartlett is a raw and unforgettable story of domestic violence, abuse, escape, courage, healing, and recovery. Shanna is an eighteen-year-old who lives with her mother, sister, and mean stepdad in the North Carolina mountains. She often finds solace in the woods near her house. When her sister tells her that their stepdad will hurt their mother again, Shanna promises her she will find a way to escape from him. She knows no one will come to save them. However, one day, Shanna meets someone who will either be the friend she longs for or the one she'll fall in love with. Shortly after, a plan of action gives Shanna the hope and strength she needs. Will Shanna's plan work? Will she save her mother and sister from their violent stepfather?

Free Sings the Sea is a pitch-perfect portrait of women caught in the trap of domestic violence and breaking the cycle of abuse. It effectively explores the complexity of fighting for your freedom, not letting the world beat you down, moving forward, and starting anew. Shanna's determination and strong personality make her a memorable character who has the potential to inspire and empower readers to take charge of their lives and get where they want to be in life. Stacey Bartlett's hopeful story accurately captures a young woman's determination to save her family and find a safe place where they're finally free, no matter the obstacles. It is a heartfelt debut coming-of-age novel combining romance and suspense that will appeal to the hearts and minds of young adults and adults.