Gabriel and the Special Memorial Day

Children - Grade K-3rd
32 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Gabriel and the Special Memorial Day is a children's picture book by Sherry Roberts. Today is a very special Monday. Gabriel is a young boy eager to spend the day outside celebrating the occasion. But when he looks at his parents' faces, he realizes something is wrong. It's a downpour outside. When his father says Mr. Wayne may not hold the Memorial Day celebration today, Gabriel can't help feeling a little sad. He likes to visit Mr. Wayne, who tells the best stories and plays cars with him. Finally, the rain stops, but the sky is still cloudy. Mr. Wayne informs them that the celebrations will continue as planned. Mr. Wayne is playing 'Taps' in remembrance of all the men and women who gave their lives for their country. Gabriel and his parents arrive just at the right time.

Gabriel and the Special Memorial Day is a wholesome picture book for children that sheds light on the sacrifices of those brave men and women who served in the US Armed Forces and laid down their lives for the country. Inspired by real-life events, Sherry Roberts tells a heartfelt tale of a young boy and his adventures on Memorial Day. Roberts has crafted some likable characters who you can't help but love. Gabriel is an adorable child whose friendship with Mr. Wayne is genuinely uplifting, and it's bound to leave a smile on your face. Linda Guerra's colorful illustrations add even more enjoyment to the read. Although primarily written for young readers, I think even adults will enjoy this book, especially reading it to their children.