Getting Ready for My Doctor's Visit

A Going to the Doctor Book for Kids

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

For young children, going to the doctor can be a scary experience. But what if kids gain an understanding beforehand of what visiting a doctor really means? Getting Ready For My Doctor's Visit by Fei Zhang-Ward will help your child do exactly that. This wonderful picture book demonstrates what a visit to the doctor entails, especially for young children. Young readers will discover special medical tools in a doctor's clinic, as well as learn how doctors check their patients' hearts, lungs, and bellies using their stethoscopes. Doctors sometimes also like to check the reflexes of their patients by asking them to gently tap below their knees and on their arms with a reflex hammer made out of rubber. If you need to get a shot, just take a deep breath in and out.

Teach your child about health checkups and get them ready for a visit to the doctor, ensuring they don't feel anxious or afraid with this informative and entertaining picture book. Getting Ready For My Doctor's Visit is the perfect book to introduce kids to the experience of health checkups. Fei Zheng-Ward gently guides the young reader through all the steps involved in a routine health checkup, using accessible language and captivating illustrations that are sure to catch the eyes of youngsters. There are parts in the book that are also interactive, which makes this guide even more engaging and fun to read. I can think of no better way to teach children about doctors and why people visit them. I highly recommend parents introduce this illuminating picture book to their children.