Grasp of the Night

Fiction - Paranormal
362 Pages
Reviewed on 10/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Grasp of the Night by Sadaf Zulfikar is a paranormal novel about Alice, a woman who has lost her memory, identity, and family. As she grapples with fear and the unknown, Alice is drawn to Derek, her neighbor's boyfriend, while haunted by feelings for a man from her past. Simultaneously, a sinister cult known as Grasp summons a demon that preys on the vulnerable, with Alice as their next target. To survive, Alice must unlock the secrets of her past, though doing so may pose an even greater threat. The blend of paranormal danger and personal mystery makes for a confidently told story where readers feel in safe hands with an author who knows how to deliver satisfying conclusions to the different plot threads.

Author Sadaf Zulfikar has crafted a truly emotionally engaging story, and it’s down to the expertise and detail of the character creation. Alice is a multifaceted and layered protagonist whose internal struggle between past and present relationships deepens the emotional tension as readers gradually get to know her better. The pacing suits the close narrative viewpoint that draws different parts of her personality out with the challenges of the plot. The author’s ability to intertwine Alice’s fragmented memories with the growing threat of the cult adds complexity and unpredictability to the narrative, making it both intellectually and emotionally engaging. Zulfikar’s vivid descriptions also create a haunting atmosphere throughout the novel, immersing readers in a world where reality and the supernatural blend seamlessly. Overall, Grasp of the Night delivers everything it promises in a well-penned and highly atmospheric package, and I’d certainly recommend it.