High Jinks

A Romantic Comedy Caper

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
286 Pages
Reviewed on 01/17/2021
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Author Biography

My professional storytelling career began at the age of seven as an actor and dancer. I later directed, produced, and wrote for the theater. I then immersed myself in the film and video industry, eventually founding and operating a production company.

Despite wearing many hats during my long stint in show business, I am always drawn back to my first love, writing. I've penned screenplays, stage plays, children's books, biographies, and worked as a ghostwriter, freelance writer, and script doctor.

I am happy to say I am now writing novels full-time, and it's a wonderful thing. All my life experiences come into play as I spin out my yarns, and I am exactly where I want to be. Books are a pure form of storytelling with only the writer, reader, and characters interacting in an intimate give and take relationship. I feel well-suited to the task, and I hope to be doing this for a long time.

I hope you will crack open one of my books someday. I promise to do my best never to disappoint.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Susan Sewell for Readers' Favorite

In a last-ditch endeavor to survive, two strangers go on a cross-country crime caper in a decrepit RV, robbing and refunding as they travel in the humorous romance novel High Jinks: A Romantic Comedy Caper by Marc J. Reilly. Annabelle, an out of work actress, has just been turned down for another role and is desperate. She is hungry and homeless and living out of her Mercedes. Reed is a misplaced stockbroker and a wizard with money. However, when he got caught in a questionable transaction, he lost everything. Reed is now homeless, hungry, and living in the park. In a bizarre twist of fate, Annabelle and Reed decide to end their misery by robbing the same bank at the same time. The two strangers barely escape getting captured and are now on the run together. To evade local law enforcement and start fresh, Reed and Annabelle leave the city behind to start their new life of crime. But are they really criminal material?

High Jinks by Marc J. Reilly is a brilliant romance novel that kept me laughing until the very end. Reminiscent of Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni's 2005 film, Fun With Dick and Jane, I enjoyed this slapstick comedy where a couple who are law-abiding citizens in ordinary circumstances attempt to emulate Bonnie and Clyde and fail miserably. Despite their blunders and lapses in judgment, I found it hard not to fall in love with them. Reed and Annabelle as characters are charming and quirky, and their escapades end with laugh-out-loud results. It is an entertaining novel filled with amusing situations, a hint of romance, and is a delightful read from start to finish. Fans of romantic comedy will get a kick out of Reed and Annabelle's exploits and will fall in love with them as they travel across the nation, committing their unique and unparalleled crime wave. Fabulous!