Hunnie Bunny's Special Gift

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 05/22/2024
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Author Biography

Deborah Carter Martin was born and raised in Roanoke, Virginia. She enjoys writing young children's picture books and is an award-winning author with her published award-winning books, Hunnie Bunny's Garden, Hunnie Bunny's Garden Mystery and Hunnie Bunny's Christmas Wish. She lives in Orange County, California and enjoys spending time with her family, friends, two cats, and three horses.
After her grandson was born in 2022, Deborah decided to publish Hunnie Bunny's Garden to share with him and other children. Hunnie Bunny then took on a life of her own, and there will be eleven books in the Hunnie Bunny series for children to enjoy. Hunnie Bunny's adventures promote learning and provide a positive influence.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Shrabastee Chakraborty for Readers' Favorite

As autumn hinted at the arrival of winter, all the animals started preparing for the upcoming snow and cold. Hunnie Bunny was busy making her home as cozy as possible while Mr. Squirrel fretted over the meager food he had collected. Mr. Frog, on the other hand, settled down for his hibernation. When Hunnie comes across a broken crate of fruits during one of her forays, she realizes that it could solve all their uncertainty over stored food. Will she manage to take home the bounty? Will she be able to help her friends before it is too late? Find out in Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift, a children’s book written by Deborah Carter Martin and illustrated by Sandamali Kamalchandra.

The story, simple yet poignant, teaches us about friendship. The central theme involves checking in with friends and helping each other during difficult times. Sweet-natured Hunnie Bunny’s selfless acts show us the importance of sharing with friends and neighbors. Her tricks with the food crate also highlight her resourcefulness. Apart from the moral lessons, Martin references fascinating tidbits about the winter behavior of animals, including food collection and hibernation. This book will motivate young readers to learn more about these facts. Kamalchandra’s beautiful illustrations demand special mention as they perfectly complement the story. The vibrant colors evoke the warm, cozy feel of autumn. I could not get over the cuteness of Hunnie Bunny, Mr. Squirrel, and Mr. Frog exuded. I recommend Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift by Deborah Carter Martin to children aged 2-7 years.