I Am the Tree

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 09/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rich Follett for Readers' Favorite

Everything about Kelly Bauer’s I Am the Tree is pitch-perfect and exquisite. The story is transformational, the text straightforward and easy to understand, the message vital, and the positivity is universal and unforgettable. I Am the Tree tells the story of a young girl who, frightened and disillusioned by the angry and contentious world around her, runs away and discovers in nature the unique oneness of all living things that leads her to self-love and a new outlook on life and the world, to which she happily returns. Kelly Bauer has crafted a modern fable that feels timeless and classic.

Stella Maris’ masterful illustrations are as extraordinary as Kelly Bauer’s story. Each is a work of art, with details that amaze, delight, and portray an enchanted world and, at the start, vaguely sinister. The presence of light in Maris’ illustrations perfectly complements Kelly Bauer’s remarkable story. I Am the Tree offers hope, love of self, and the oneness of all life—a message children and adults need to hear more than ever in these troubled times. The inside front cover notes indicate that this is her first children’s book, and it’s a stunning debut. I Am the Tree by Kelly Bauer will bring hope and healing to children and adults everywhere.

Philip Van Heusen

This world is a scary place. We see anger, fear, fighting, hurt, and pain everywhere. The young star of the book I Am the Tree becomes so afraid that she runs away. Kelly Bauer explains that the young girl was extraordinary. The girl learns the secret of freedom. Acceptance and identification with others allow peace and love to reign. The girl snuggles up to an old tree that shares his love with her. She hears from a bee that she is one with the tree, the bee, the wind, etc. This unity leads to peace and joy. She rushes back to the world's chaos and shares the secret of self-love and hope. The girl banishes fear and decides to live in harmony, love, joy, and laughter.

Fear destroys. There is much in this world to fear. However, there is a power greater than fear, and as a parent, it is your job to teach your child to replace fear with love and joy. Kelly Bauer understands the psyche of children. She writes I Am the Tree so you can help your child face the world and live a fulfilled life. Identifying as being one with others helps your child forget the fear and become one with all around them. Fear has its place but should never be the main emotion. Instead of allowing fear to rule, your child needs to learn to control the fear and be governed by positive thoughts leading to positive emotions. It is amazing how much acceptance lifts the spirit. The tree showed the girl unconditional acceptance, and she learned to share that with others. As a parent, show your child unconditional acceptance, then watch them blossom. Your child will enjoy reading this little book.

Ananya Hazarika

I Am the Tree by Kelly Bauer is a children's book with wonderful illustrations that can transport readers to a whole new world filled with imagination. Inspired by true events Bauer wrote this beautiful story about an ordinary girl who lived a normal life. She longed for freedom and adventure. One day, she ran away from a scary place where people were angry, hurt, afraid, and fighting. She reached the top of a mountain and was amazed by the beauty around her. When the rain washed away her fears, she felt that she was not alone anymore. The girl felt love and harmony when she met an old and majestic tree and hugged it. She was happy and content and felt connected to nature, the grass, trees, the bees, and everything around her. When she went back down the mountain, she shared the message of the bumblebee with the people. This message of being one with nature removes all fear and brings harmony and joy.

Kelly Bauer has done excellent work with her story I Am the Tree. The whimsical theme is bound to engage the reader till the end. The illustrations are phenomenal. I loved the way that Kelly used concise vocabulary to deliver a clear message to the reader. The language is expressive and powerful, which makes it a perfect read for young children to teach them to acknowledge nature and trees. The necessity of sensitizing our kids about co-existing with nature and building empathy toward the environment is crucial in today's world driven by technology. The story can be a medium to encourage children to spend more time outdoors. It is a definite must-read.