I Decided

How Being Aware of My Thoughts and Emotions Transformed My Life

Non-Fiction - Autobiography
188 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Sometimes, life comes up with unforeseen hurdles and challenges that plunge us into the depths of despair and darkness. To climb out of that kind of depressive spiral, we must look for the light within ourselves. Wahiba C. Rekkab underwent a torrid time in her life with multiple sclerosis until she found the path to recovery and healing. In I Decided, she shares her story to help readers embark on their own journey of self-discovery and resilience. In this book, she recounts her life as an immigrant in France, far from her family and friends, using stories of different women. After she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Wahiba transformed her life through faith to bring out the best in herself, practicing love, gratitude, forgiveness, and grace.

Fall in love with life again in this inspirational autobiography with a lot to offer. With I Decided, Wahiba C. Rekkab shows you how to overcome the trials and tribulations of life, to walk the path of healing, and find fulfillment and happiness. After finishing this book, you will learn to cultivate gratitude, patience, and trust in the process. Work toward attaining your goals, be optimistic and open-minded, and the opportunities will come your way. Rekkab insists that love is a great healer, and I can't help but agree with her apt assessment. This is a part memoir and part self-help handbook to gently guide readers toward a life of purpose where they can pursue their dreams. The book also contains some insightful positive affirmations to make your day better. I found this very inspiring and motivational. Highly recommended.