Imogen's Destiny

Book 3 of the Chroma Trilogy

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/10/2020
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Author Biography

I had long fantasised about writing a book with a heroine who could see the colour of lies. Imogen became a reality in 2011 when I gave up my job to focus on writing. It took me 5years to publish the first book, Imogen's Secret and now I have published the third and final book. I am rather sad Imogen's tale is complete but will move onto a new project as soon as possible. Thank you for reading the Chroma Trilogy. I would love to hear from you so do pop over to my website and get in touch.
Kind regards B Fleetwood

    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

An extraordinary protagonist, a powerful and cunning enemy, and a stone that holds a secret are among the plot points in this explosive conclusion to the Chroma Trilogy. In Imogen’s Destiny, the reader is introduced to a young female protagonist with extraordinary skills — she can see and understand the color of lies. After uncovering the truth about the five hidden marks on her body, she is now certain that she is endowed with a perilous mission and that the survival of her race depends on her. But the Supreme leader will stop at nothing to see her dead. Hiding on earth with her family, she is running out of time as she can’t figure out how to unlock the secrets embedded in the sacred stone she’s stolen from the Supreme Leader. Can she discover that knowledge before Holan’s dark forces find her?

Imogen’s Destiny has a strong appeal to fans of I Am Number Four and readers who enjoy extraordinary characters and a strong plot. Author B Fleetwood crafts a hugely entertaining story with an original concept and memorable characters. It is easy to fall for the protagonist. Her frustration is real, her love for her people is so deep she will do anything for them. And while she has strong abilities, there are limitations on her path and this drives her motivation. The prose is beautiful, punctuated by interesting dialogues and vivid descriptions. B Fleetwood keeps it real, and the emotional depth of the story quickly rubs off on the reader. A wonderful reading experience.

Rabia Tanveer

Imogen's Destiny is the third book in the Chroma Trilogy by B. Fleetwood. Imogen is not an ordinary girl and she knew that from a very tender age. She can read people’s emotions but that is not the only extraordinary thing about her. She has plenty of “abilities” and that has made her a target for the Holan regime. With the secrets finally revealed, Imogen now knows she has to do whatever it takes to protect her family and keep them safe on Earth. She has a whole race counting on her and that is enough of a booster for her to keep moving forward. Stealing something vital from the Supreme Leader was necessary, but now she has an even bigger target on her back. She thought she understood it all, but she still has a lot of secrets to unveil from the past. Being called a hero may seem like a dream come true for some people, but Imogen knows the price of being a hero. As the smoke clears, Imogen realizes that her “gifts” might just be what she needs to survive.

I remember reading the first novel in the series almost three years ago and being hooked on it. Young adult fiction has many overused tropes and this series stood out to me because it didn’t use any of them. Imogen has grown a lot. She is far more mature and understanding, she is no longer scared of the unknown. Imogen is focused, determined and more confident in her abilities. So many of the questions are answered here and the author craftily brings all the information to the reader. As always, I loved the pace and the dramatic flow of the story. I enjoyed the mystery and the race against time to find out what the stolen stones reveal. Imogen truly became a hero who is humble, a little nervous but very courageous. The descriptions are incredible and the way the story is told makes reading it a sensory experience. Such a fitting end to an incredible series!

K.C. Finn

Imogen’s Destiny is a work of fiction in the science fiction sub-genre aimed at young adult readers and was penned by author B. Fleetwood. In the third and final novel of the Chroma Trilogy, we reach the epic conclusion to the series as Imogen embraces the full extent of her powers. Imogen can read Chroma: the language of colored auras which betrays truth, lies, and emotions in every being. She has been hiding on earth in order to escape those who would hunt her down and kill her for her unique talents, but it is only a matter of time before her enemies catch up with her.

Author B. Fleetwood has crafted an excellent conclusion that certainly ties up all the loose ends of the plot that it weaves, with many exciting twists and turns along the way. The concept of Chroma and Imogen’s powers are a truly fascinating premise for young adult readers to explore, and it gives the author a chance to showcase their writing talents in an extra-sensory manner. I particularly enjoyed the descriptions and construction of the action scenes as the plot heated up later in the novel, which I thought were cinematically brought to life and very dynamic in their pacing. The dialogue too was very enjoyable, and although Imogen is not your typical girl, she speaks in a way that is relatable to the young adult audience. Overall, I would highly recommend Imogen’s Destiny as an enjoyable read for fans of the existing series.

Debjeet Mukherjee

Imogen's Destiny, Book 3 of the Chroma Trilogy by B Fleetwood continues the journey of Imogen Reiner. Having saved her father and Leo in book two, Imogen and her family are in hiding on Earth while her kidnapper-turned-admirer Araz and her clone Naomi are held prisoner on planet Holis. As the Regime on Holis turns corrupt over generations, the Resistance must find ways to restore righteousness as an impending war looms. Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kekara sends dark forces of the corrupt Holan regime to hunt Imogen since she carries a stolen sacred stone that can power the Tractus technology. Amidst the prophecy that either Imogen or her clone Naomi is destined to rule while the other dies, Imogen must discover her potential of being a Penta-Crypt, the terrible secrets behind her fate, and also decide her destiny of saving Earth or Holis.

B Fleetwood has beautifully created a universe of her own that will appeal to both fantasy and science fiction readers. The plot is intriguing and full of legends. In this concluding chapter of the Chroma trilogy, I am once again drawn into the wonders of the colorful auras that characters emanate, the parallels between Earth and planet Holis, the powerful weapons capable of jumping a person through space and time, and finally the strong relationship characters share with each other which makes it difficult to distinguish between patriots and traitors. The Chroma trilogy has surely inspired a generation of young adult followers who are drawn into this fast-paced thriller full of mystery and entertainment.

Romuald Dzemo

Imogen's Destiny: Book 3 of the Chroma Trilogy by B Fleetwood is a spellbinding conclusion to a trilogy with strong hints of science fiction and fantasy. I never read the first two books in the series, but this one reads well as a standalone novel. The protagonist is a young girl with unique gifts. She can tell when people lie from the colors related to their inner feelings. Yes, she can see the color of lies, and this is one of the original things that make this novel awesome. But she is a fugitive hiding from a cruel enemy, the Holan Regime. She possesses the sacred stone that may contain the secret to humanity’s freedom. Can she unlock the truth about the teleportation device that transcends space and time, and can she do so before it’s too late?

What makes this novel a page-turner is the pervasive sense of impending danger that accompanies the protagonist from page to page. It is suspenseful and the reader is always looking toward the ultimate catastrophe. First, the reader follows Imogen as she struggles to understand her destiny and then wants to know if she can fulfill it. The plot is unpredictable and it is hard to guess what might happen next. B Fleetwood is a good storyteller and has the gift of colorful descriptions, exploring the emotions of the characters in a way that brings them close to home for readers. Imogen's Destiny: Book 3 of the Chroma Trilogy is well-paced, a story filled with action and entertainment.

Allie Cresswell

I couldn't put it down!
I’ve been eager to discover how Imogen’s extraordinary story concludes and binge-read this book in a couple of days. Suffice to say it doesn’t disappoint!
B Fleetwood cleverly wove enough background and reminders in the first few pages to get me back up to speed without being at all laboured about it. I was right back in Imogen’s world and heavily invested in her situation from the get-go. But, if you haven’t read the first two books in this trilogy I would certainly recommend that you do so.
The writing is pacey and the plot moves along at a lick but not at the expense of the characters, who are well-developed. I really enjoyed the deeper exploration of the Zuberi brothers in this book. Em, the resistance activist with the Eastern European idiom, really made me smile. The world-building in this series is remarkable. B Fleetwood’s imagination is cinematic. Holis is so vividly described and believable and - in these uncertain days on earth - really appealing. Like Imogen, I was totally invested in its survival.
The Chroma books have young people as their main protagonists but I would not say they appeal only to young people. The themes of the books are universal, challenging our world-view whatever age we are. There is science fiction here but there is also science. The books are fantasy but they illuminate real life too. They are perfect for today because they are asking the questions we are all asking right now: what kind of world do we want to live in? What’s really important? How can we work with our environment rather than against it? What is the role of government and what is our own responsibility? If I had teenage children I’d want to read these books alongside them so that we could discuss the issues they raise.