
Book one of Aflame Duology

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
255 Pages
Reviewed on 09/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Juan Lynch for Readers' Favorite

Inferno (Book One of Aflame Duology) by Nafisa Mahmud is a gripping romance and adventure fantasy. King Miran of Garimu had a vision of impending doom on a global scale. The vision also offered hope for triumph against darkness. He believes victory can be guaranteed if his only daughter, Zara, marries Prince Johar of Birin. She is initially repulsed by the idea of marriage to Johar. The last marriage between someone from Garimu and someone from Birin ended in the couple being found dead the day after tying the knot. Additionally, Johar is already engaged. Fortunately, he is not in love with his current fiancee. But will Zara and Johar be compatible as a couple? Is their union certain to prevent the foretold catastrophe?

I highly enjoyed reading Inferno by Nafisa Mahmud. The plot centers around Zara and Johar's journey to prevent their enemies from obtaining Ibron's orb, a great power source. They encounter ups and downs that help them learn more about each other. The first chapter is told from Zara's perspective and the second from Johar's. I like how this alternating narrator's point of view continues throughout the story. I enjoyed reading about the same events from both Zara's and Johar's perspectives. Johar seemed more honest with his feelings, whereas Zara often engaged in overthinking. The story is well-paced. There were several exciting fast action scenes as well as some suspenseful moments. This was a refreshing take on the theme of good versus evil. I strongly recommend Inferno to all fantasy enthusiasts.