Jake Fortina and the Roman Conspiracy

Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
293 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Jake Fortina and the Roman Conspiracy by Ralph R. "Rick" Steinke begins with Blake Conners, a former U.S. Army Special Forces sergeant, leading a team of international operatives to steal three priceless Caravaggio paintings in Rome, and orchestrated by Russian oligarch Anatoly "the Wolf" Volkov. Meanwhile, U.S. Lieutenant Colonel Jake Fortina and his wife Sara, a Carabinieri officer, arrive in Rome for Jake’s new diplomatic assignment. Jake becomes suspicious of Conners, whom he recognizes from a past military operation. As the theft unfolds, Jake uncovers a broader criminal network involving the illicit movement of nuclear weapons, with the stolen paintings serving as a diversion. Conners and his team, including the cybercriminal Alexei, aim to launder their gains and destabilize geopolitical relations. Jake and Sara's investigation into the theft unknowingly brings them closer to uncovering a dangerous conspiracy.

Ralph R. "Rick" Steinke hits out hard with his international thriller, Jake Fortina and the Roman Conspiracy. Jake Fortina is a likable protagonist, with all the necessary power traits, but still flawed just enough to feel authentic. Steinke's writing is sharp and his skill lies in the ability to balance tense moments with some intentionally thoughtful social commentary. The standout to me is when Fortina confronts Lt. Colonel Beauregard Bragg's alarming, racially charged rhetoric. It was a pleasantly surprising juxtaposition of America's racial past with the unfolding international conspiracy of the plot. The dialogue is crisp and authentic, even Jake's fake Russian accent, and the pacing is fast and kept me fully invested throughout. Even though this book is the sequel to Major Jake Fortina and the Tier One Threat, it reads perfectly well as a standalone and is a satisfying and timely story. Very highly recommended.