Lesser Demons

Book 1 in the Way Reader Series

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
414 Pages
Reviewed on 06/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Lesser Demons is the first book in the Way Reader Series by Rose Card-Faux. In this young adult fantasy, protagonist Zanny Monroe was just a regular 18-year-old before Rishi and Dylan walked into her life and shattered everything she ever knew. The boys reveal to Zanny that she belongs to a special race of humans called Painters, people who can manipulate things with their minds. While this news was shocking enough, Zanny was surprised to find that the future of the Painters depended on her. She could save the whole race by becoming their savior. Before she knew it, she was on the run from a group of people and their leader, The Angel. Zanny had to master her newfound skills, learn to trust Dylan and Rishi, and protect the people she loved. At the same time, she needed to get a grip on her skills before it was too late. Could Zanny do it?

Fast-paced, action-packed, and with a fantastic plot, Lesser Demons was everything I wished it to be and more. I loved Zanny’s character and how well-rounded she was. Instead of being the stereotypical teenager, Zanny was intelligent, had control over her emotions, and got a hold of the situation without too many theatrics. I liked how level-headed she was on the outside, even when chaos and fear clouded her mind. I loved the dialogue and the uniqueness of the plotline. The story was well-developed, and the author, Rose Card-Faux, ensured that her characters fit right into the story. While the character development was great, it was the world-building that really made me fall in love with the story. I enjoyed every twist and turn of the plot; I anticipated and loved every moment of it. I cannot wait to see what happens next in the series.