Magical Girl Blues

The Clandestine Book 2

Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
436 Pages
Reviewed on 10/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Magical Girl Blues by Russell Isler is an urban fantasy that follows 14-year-old Xenia Findlay, who moves to Porter Valley after surviving a tragic crash that claimed her parents and best friend. Haunted by headaches and ghostly visions of her friend Bethany, Xenia realizes that missing students are appearing in her visions, revealing a hidden world of magic, ghosts, and a lurking monster. As danger closes in, Xenia must unlock her newfound powers to save her town and herself. This thrilling tale from The Clandestine series can be enjoyed without reading the first book. Isler invites readers into a brilliant blend of everyday high school life, an emotive drama about healing from loss, and a dark, supernatural mystery, and every moment is masterfully done.

Russell Isler’s vivid portrayal of Porter Valley as both an idyllic and dangerous place enhances the mood of the novel at every turn, immersing readers in eerie, shadowy scenes that are easy to imagine. Xenia is a relatable and resilient young heroine, perfectly balanced between her very vulnerable personal journey of grief and the inner strength she finds from her new gifts. Readers are sure to be deeply invested in her survival and growth thanks to Isler’s close narrative viewpoint, offering tender glimpses into her heart and mind with deep realism. Isler weaves the elements of magic and ghostly apparitions seamlessly into this realistic narrative, making the supernatural feel both magical and terrifying, but also chillingly believable. Isler’s ability to build tension is also an exceptional quality of the novel, with each vision and revelation feeding new information and discoveries that pull readers deeper into the mystery. The escalating danger surrounding the missing students keeps the plot fast-paced and gripping from cover to cover. Overall, Magical Girl Blues is a highly recommended fantasy for fans of well-penned YA fiction and thrilling mysteries.