Margaret Goes to Town

A Mature Comedy Romance

Romance - Comedy
220 Pages
Reviewed on 09/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily Maynard for Readers' Favorite

Two years ago, Margaret lost Paul, her husband, and the love of her life. She has since isolated herself in her lakeside home and has rarely returned to the town they lived in together since his passing. Her friends Connie and Eudora think it’s high time to get out there and start meeting new people, and set her up on a dating site. Her first match seems like a keeper; they have a lot in common and he comes across as a perfect gentleman. An unexpected connection to a yoga instructor and a chance encounter with her high school crush leaves Margaret with much more on her plate than she could’ve imagined. That’s before she learns of the subterfuge and shady actions undertaken by so-called friends, and her son Dwight, who seems to think she’s losing her marbles. Margaret Goes to Town by Tina Field Howe is the compelling story of a woman discovering that there is life after loss, even if it can get a bit complicated.

Margaret Goes to Town is a wonderful, light-hearted tale of a woman returning to the dating scene in her 70s with the encouragement of her close friends. It’s a fast-paced story for the most part, mirroring the new action-packed dating life Margaret finds herself in with her many admirers. Still, it also has moments of calm where the reader, just like Margaret, can slow down, collect their thoughts, and reflect on the love quadrangle that has become part of her world. Thematically, while it touches on grief and loss, Margaret Goes to Town focuses more on friendship, love, and family, with elements of betrayal and jealousy underlying the main storyline. There is a wonderful element of dramatic irony in this book, as the reader is aware of the threat of intervention by Dwight, and others he’s conspiring with, before Margaret herself has any idea. Tina Field Howe enhances this by including short sections written from different characters’ perspectives. I enjoyed this book immensely. It is charming, fun, and a delight to read. The author has created an original, compelling story that is not only engaging and witty but almost impossible to put down! I highly recommend this book to fans of romantic fiction, or to anyone who is looking for a breezy, gloriously entertaining book full of shenanigans and laughter!