
A Spiritual Journey

Fiction - Supernatural
220 Pages
Reviewed on 10/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Mead by Joseph Guberman follows a young man battling his demons while witnessing the slow destruction of his family. Sam Isaac became aware of Mead and his m-team from the writings of his sister, Lily. Mead works on behalf of God and His executives, planning, identifying, and placing conflict into the lives of humans to teach them lessons that they seldom learn. Sam's other sister, Glenda, is the complete opposite of Lily. Glenda is a prominent advocate for President Rich Pliartrum and his Country-Club Party. As he grew up, Sam struggled with his marijuana addiction and faced severe discrimination over his sexual orientation. Meanwhile, Sam's brother Frank has become even more radicalized while his son is a murderous psychopath. After Lily's death, Sam meets the rest of his living family members for one last time at a funeral.

Mead is a poignant story about the slow unraveling of an all-American family. Author Joseph Guberman tells a tragic tale that touches upon real-world social issues, such as hate, bigotry, fascism, mental health disorders, and more, all tinged with a flavor of the supernatural, and it makes for a gripping narrative. The plot plays out like an epic drama, where each character comes to a tragic end while the protagonist goes through hell in his own life. Despite the dark tone of the narrative, Guberman's social commentary is spot-on, as it beautifully demonstrates how external and internal factors lead to a person being consumed so much by hatred that they destroy themselves and the people around them. The book is not for everyone, but if you enjoy well-written albeit bleak stories, this will be right up your alley!