
Christian - Romance - Historical
406 Pages
Reviewed on 10/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bernadette Longu for Readers' Favorite

Molly by Shanna Hatfield is a most delightful romance that takes part at the tail end of the First World War when the United States Army introduced women into their Signal Corps, nicknamed the Hello Girls. The main characters are Molly Thorsen and her extended family and Harkey John, her sister’s fiancé, and his best friend Friday Fitzpatrick. The author guides the main characters through their story so skilfully that the reader will find it very hard to put the book down once the plot starts to unfold. It takes place at a time of a war that nobody really wanted but everyone rallied to help stop. The fact that romance and hope can thrive in such despair and loss of life gives optimism to those who survive. A delightful romance set in an era when innocence and gallantry were slowly coming to an end in the world as we knew it.

Molly by Shanna Hatfield is written with such compassion, showing the ugly side of war and then the best side of those who go to war and still help others where they can, even to the detriment of themselves. The author leaves the reader with a feeling that there could be many more stories like this that happened during this period. A beautiful romance that is set in a time of innocence and each of the characters adheres to it with a grace and kindness that is not found today. The author writes in such a way that leaves the reader to use their imaginations to think about how the main characters feel about each other. The characters are so charming and take the reader on a journey of joy, sorrow, loss, and love most delightfully. The author also brings to light the fact that sometimes it takes decades for people to publicly acknowledge those who helped the troops and their movements during the First World War, leaving the men to fight the good fight. Can you imagine waiting until 2024 to find out that the army now actually acknowledges that you were part of the US Forces fighting in France and Belgium during the First World War? Since then, there have been the Second World War, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, and the women who served in those wars are on the Wall of Remembrance, even those who died in Hawaii. Thank you for a most interesting read.