Moses and Akhenaten

A Child's Tale (Ancient Egypt)

Fiction - Historical - Personage
362 Pages
Reviewed on 08/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foram Vyas for Readers' Favorite

Moses and Akhenaten by Sharon Janet Hague is an intriguing historical novel that reimagines the childhood of Akhenaten, the heretic pharaoh of Egypt and explores the fascinating theory that Akhenaten and Moses might have been the same person. Set against the backdrop of ancient Egypt, the story follows young Akhenaten, a boy whose potential to inherit the throne could change the course of history. The narrative delves into his early years, presenting a poetic and imaginative tale of what might have been if the theories were true. With richly detailed settings and engaging characters, the book offers a fresh perspective on one of history’s most enigmatic figures, blending historical speculation with compelling storytelling.

Moses and Akhenaten by Sharon Janet Hague was a captivating read. The way Hague blends history with imagination is truly poetic. The plot offers a fresh take on the intriguing mystery of whether Akhenaten and Moses were one. The story moves at a nice, steady pace, really letting you dive into the world of ancient Egypt and the complexities of young Akhenaten’s life. What I loved most were the characters—especially Akhenaten. Hague brings him to life with such depth and sensitivity, making you feel his struggles and growth. The book touches on themes like identity, destiny, and how historical legacies shape us, which adds a lot of depth to the story. It’s not just an enjoyable read; it’s thought-provoking too. Hague’s attention to historical detail and her skillful storytelling make this book a real gem. It’s the kind of story that sticks with you, making you think about the what-ifs of history long after you’ve finished reading. If you’re into historical fiction with a twist, you’ll love this book.