Moving to Tax-Free

Strategies for Creating Tax-Free Retirement Income, and Tax-Free Lifetime Legacy Income for Your Children

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
259 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bryone Peters for Readers' Favorite

I would advise anyone to read Moving to Tax-Free by Bruce Hosler multiple times because of all the beneficial wisdom it contains. The element of wealth is multitudinous. Most people pursue only a small part of the financial knowledge and expertise that is out there. Bruce enlightens us on the benefits of understanding tax implications as early as possible. He provides excellent advice on tax loopholes. There are many financial aspects to gaining wealth. Instead of losing money, why not understand how to gain from tax? He starts by saying keep the end in mind. Bruce talks about the Roth IRA and the myths. He recommends the tools people can use to get tax-free income. In addition, he cautions on the interplay between estate planning and tax planning.

Bruce took considerable time to inform his readers of the caveats of tax after retirement. No one wants a "tax bloodbath", so to speak, for their relatives when they are gone. Bruce enlightens on the circumstances of where the tax loopholes and potholes are. Moving to Tax-Free by Bruce Hosler is a valuable book, not only for Americans but for other nationalities as well. Some topics may be contentious or unfavorable to some people, but Bruce immediately indicates why this is. He speaks of the home equity pearls and perils of tax. I loved the bit about what Bruce describes as complete nonsense. It is insightful to get that affirming comment on something so crucial. For me, there were many eye-opening revelations. You won’t waste your money on buying this book.