My Life Isn't Perfect, But My Testimony Is

I Don't Look Like What I Have Been Through

Non-Fiction - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

My Life Isn't Perfect, But My Testimony Is: I Don't Look Like What I Have Been Through by Michelle M. Brown is a powerful and inspiring story of Michelle’s life as she encounters various hardships, from losing her mother and her grandmother at a very young age to facing health issues in adulthood. Michelle recounts her memories and experiences and how she got through it by the grace of God and the resilience instilled in her by her grandmother and her faith.

My Life Isn't Perfect, But My Testimony Is immediately caught my eye the moment I read the title. I can’t explain it but I felt the need to listen to this story and, once I did, I realized why. Hearing Michelle’s life story and how she overcame whatever life threw her way inspired me and gave me the courage to face my own hardships. The attitude she has toward life isn’t one you find very often and I found it to be very empowering. She has an almost no-nonsense type approach to dealing with hardships in the sense that she refuses to wallow in self-pity or let things drag her down easily or for too long.

My Life Isn't Perfect, But My Testimony Is was beautifully narrated by Deja Nance. The quality of the audiobook was clear and Deja elevated that with her strong yet emotion-filled voice. She narrated the story in such a way that it almost felt like the author herself was reading the story aloud. I enjoyed how she sang at certain parts and felt that it added something extra to the listening experience. Overall, I loved listening to this audiobook and I would recommend it to anyone who needs a little push in getting through hard times.