Nathan Ñeque

The Hunger Contest-El concurso del hambre

Children - Animals
34 Pages
Reviewed on 08/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Nathan Ñeque: The Hunger Contest by Jane E. Ruth, with Spanish translations by Jackie Lescure, is a captivating children's folklore tale that imparts essential life lessons through an engaging story. The narrative begins with an overconfident rodent named Nathan who, having always won first place in every contest, believes he is invincible. His arrogance leads him into the forest in search of a new competitor. Nathan encounters a cicada, newly emerged from underground, singing to attract a mate. Seizing the opportunity, Nathan challenges the cicada to a contest to see who can go the longest without eating. Through this challenge, Nathan learns a valuable lesson in humility and the importance of not underestimating others. The story is not only entertaining but also educational, providing young readers with fascinating facts about cicadas and the ñeque, or rodent, enriching their understanding of the natural world.

This is a must-read for young readers for several reasons. First, its vibrant illustrations by Yassibel Duque bring the characters and the forest setting to life, capturing the imaginations of children and keeping them engaged throughout the story. The illustrations complement the narrative perfectly, adding visual appeal and helping young readers connect with the characters and their journey. Second, the bilingual aspect of the book makes it accessible to a broader audience, fostering language learning and appreciation for cultural diversity. The story’s moral lesson on humility is conveyed in a way that is both relatable and impactful for children, teaching them the importance of being humble and respecting others. Additionally, the educational elements woven into the tale, such as information about the cicada’s lifecycle and the characteristics of the ñeque, make this book an enriching read that goes beyond simple storytelling. Jane E. Ruth's Nathan Ñeque: The Hunger Contest is an engaging and educational book that will resonate with young readers, making it a valuable addition to any child's library.

Bruce Arrington

Nathan Ñeque: The Hunger Contest by Jane E. Ruth is a folklore tale for children, written in English and Spanish, with translations by Jackie Lescure. The main character, Nathan is an agouti who always likes to make bets with his friends and win at any cost. One day he finds a cicada singing for his mate. He strikes up a conversation and soon he makes a bet with the cicada: whoever goes the longest without eating, wins. And so they begin. With pipe in hand, Nathan sits and competes against the cicada. Hours soon turn into days. Who will win the contest?

The story has a great message for children: be careful about bragging around others and making bets. You never know who might show you up, and you might end up looking silly. I liked how the story was written in English and Spanish. For those learning a new language, it can be a fun way to enjoy a story. I also think it can be a great way for parents and children to learn together. The artwork by Yassibel Duque is colorful and fun, drawing the young reader in with the animals of Central and South America. The book also provides a glossary as well as a bit of culture that surrounds the story, the author, illustrator, and translator. Nathan Ñeque: The Hunger Contest by Jane E. Ruth takes an important life lesson and applies it in a fun and humorous fashion. Parents and children will enjoy this engaging tale. A recommended read.

Pikasho Deka

Jane E. Ruth brings another engaging picture book for children in Nathan Ñeque: The Hunger Contest. This is a bilingual book narrated in English and Spanish with colorful illustrations by Yessibel Duque. It follows the story of Nathan Ñeque, a fiercely competitive rodent with a somewhat high opinion of himself. Nathan prides himself on being fast and readily seeks out other animals to race against. On this particular day, Nathan searches for nuts when he comes across a singing cicada. This cicada has lived underground for 17 years and recently came above ground to become an adult and search for a mate. He also boasts a reputation for being able to go without eating for long periods. Competitive as he is, Nathan can't help but challenge him to a hunger contest. However, things don't go as Nathan had planned.

A captivating tale with a lesson on pride, Nathan Ñeque: The Hunger Contest is bound to be a hit among kids. Jane E. Ruth's fascinating story comes with a gentle reminder about the downside of pride and offers a beautiful message about humility. This is the kind of book that will entertain as well as inspire young readers to be humble in both defeat and success. Being competitive isn't wrong in and of itself, but you should feel confident in your abilities without becoming arrogant. Yessibel Duque's artwork enhances the story and makes it all the more enjoyable. Both central characters, Nathan and the cicada, are quirky and funny and will keep youngsters invested in their story arcs. In conclusion, this is a fantastic short story for young readers that even adults can enjoy. Highly recommended.