Navigating With Nerve

Assertive Strategies for Life

Non-Fiction - Self Help
239 Pages
Reviewed on 10/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Effective communication is key to fostering and maintaining healthy relationships in one's personal and professional life. Mastering assertiveness as a lifestyle tool can help people better express themselves in any given situation and find out who they are and what they want. In Navigating With Nerve, Linton J. Khor lays out the various benefits of being assertive and shows how to use assertiveness as a tool for communication. The book also delves into the assertiveness spectrum and its different behavioral labels, building the foundation for assertiveness, utilizing the tools of self-awareness and self-esteem, adopting a growth mindset, developing assertive communication skills, negotiation and compromise, overcoming the hurdles to practice daily assertiveness, and more. Additionally, you will learn about emotional intelligence and how to apply it through assertive communication and discover advanced assertiveness techniques.

Navigating With Nerve is the go-to book for learning to apply assertive strategies in leadership, work, and personal life and sustain them over time. Author Linton J. Khor has written a truly transformative book for improving interpersonal relationships and communication that will take you on the path to personal empowerment. What impressed me the most about this book is everything discussed here practically applies to everyday life, which isn't always the case with most self-help books. Khor also presents the content in a way that's accessible and easy to read and engage with. Toward the end, you will find references for further reading and different exercises and worksheets to help incorporate assertiveness into your day-to-day life. In conclusion, I found the book very motivational and illuminating. If you're looking for a transformative change, this book will help you take the first step forward.