Old Mrs. Kimble's Mansion

Fiction - Drama
184 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In Old Mrs. Kimble’s Mansion by George T. Arnold, Forrest Alderson is a successful middle-aged man who has never been the same since having his heart broken by the ever-manipulating Maggie with her unending scheming and plotting. Despite working on himself and becoming very successful, Forrest steers clear of romantic relationships as Olivia, his lawyer who organized the deal to buy the Kimble mansion, finds out. The old mansion had been magnificent and surrounded by secrecy back in the day, but despite its current desolate state, Forrest wanted it at any cost. After acquiring it, the work of renovating the old mansion is complicated as expected. Forrest is ready, though not for anything like finding a secret room with specific instructions from old Mrs. Kimble, who had died long ago. Things also take an unexpected turn when it turns out Maggie’s daughter is doing the decorating. How will things turn out?

Though a work of fiction, Old Mrs. Kimble’s Mansion by George T. Arnold clearly shows the twists and turns of real life. It excellently communicates that life doesn’t always go as planned, a message that resonated with me all too well. The excellent narration, highly engaging dialogues, and well-developed relatable characters ensured I was hooked from the first chapter to the last. George also used flashbacks and suspense to great effect, which kept me looking forward to subsequent events. The descriptions of events and places were vivid, which helped to create a mental picture of what was happening. Many readers will appreciate the themes explored, such as the faithfulness of God, honesty, morality, and doing the right thing. This is an amazing book, and I look forward to reading something else by George T. Arnold.