Old Roots, New Shoots

Anthology by Immigrant Writers

Non-Fiction - Anthology
161 Pages
Reviewed on 10/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Old Roots, New Shoots by the Immigrant Writers Association is an anthology of various immigrant experiences through fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and other styles of work. In The Awakening of Layla, a Kurdish woman from Iraq rebuilds her life in Toronto, balancing independence with love and family as she forms a new bond with Ahmed, a Palestinian refugee, and his son. The poem Odyssey of the Braves reflects the immigrant journey, speaking on the resilience and solidarity of newcomers as they integrate into Canada's diverse society, seeking justice and unity. In the non-fiction piece The Roots & Bridge Story, Li, a Chinese immigrant, starts a bilingual publishing company to preserve cultural heritage and connect immigrant generations, using literature to bridge cultural divides. Together, these works explore themes of adaptation, identity, and community in the immigrant experience.

In Old Roots, New Shoots: Anthology by Immigrant Writers, the contributors (Immigrant Writers Association) deliver a collection of wonderful and thought-provoking writing. Each piece resonates with unique vantage points and a fresh perspective on individuality, belonging, the Earth, and cultural heritage. One standout for me is the didactic poem that lends itself to the title of the whole compilation, by climate activist Surveyor Efik, contrasting "old roots," symbolizing sustainable traditions, with "new shoots," representing harmful modern practices, and humanity's dangerous shift from conservation to rampant consumption. In a time when amplifying new voices is crucial, this anthology provides an essential platform for immigrant writers. Their stories not only educate and inspire but also call for a more harmonious relationship with our environment and each other, making this collection an invaluable read. Very highly recommended.