Olly & the Spores of Sapphire Creek

Book 2

Children - Adventure
247 Pages
Reviewed on 06/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

In Glenn Somodi's Olly & the Spores of Sapphire Creek, the second installment in the series, readers are immediately thrust into a world of hidden communities, fantastical creatures, and looming threats. Olly Appleton, having uncovered the secrets his grandfather guarded, now faces a new challenge as he discovers additional Spore communities. The latest of these is Sapphire Creek, a former gold mine turned Spore sanctuary. Alongside his steadfast friend Ember, Olly plans to reveal these secrets during a Christmas Eve feast in the Spores' Grand Cavern. However, their plans are derailed when the community comes under attack, prompting Olly and Ember to rally their Spore allies and some unexpected friends to defend their hidden world. The story opens with an intense scene of hazardous black ooze spilling from a barrel, setting the stage for the environmental and moral conflicts that follow.

Glenn Somodi’s creativity shines not only through this narrative but also through his artistic talents. Each chapter is introduced with beautifully illustrated images that offer a visual prelude to the unfolding story. This artistic touch enriches the narrative, drawing readers deeper into Olly’s adventurous world. The opening chapter's vivid description of the black ooze incident in Sapphire Creek Mine grabs the reader's attention immediately, highlighting the story's darker undertones and the environmental dangers lurking beneath the surface. Somodi's ability to blend visual and textual storytelling ensures that Olly & the Spores of Sapphire Creek is an engaging read that captivates from the first page. Adventure fans will appreciate the intricate plot, well-developed characters, and the seamless fusion of fantasy and reality that the author masterfully delivers.