On Dreams and Bright Stuff COMPLETE

Poetic Thoughts On Philosophy, Nature, Childhood and Love

Poetry - Inspirational
86 Pages
Reviewed on 08/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

On Dreams and Bright Stuff: Complete is a collection of poems by Debra A.F. Siez. These poems traverse diverse topics and themes related to philosophy, nature, and love. Using free verse, Debra delves into various aspects of human nature, including existential thoughts, war, peace, spirituality, and more. The author also touches upon the different facets of love and pens some mesmerizing lines and verses that stay etched in your mind long after you've finished reading. In "My Worthy Journey," the narrator shares their desire to attain immortality through the literary seeds planted in the pages. "Ireland, Motherland" pays homage to the rich culture, history, and heritage of Ireland. "Maybe I Should Hold You" is a beautiful ode to a loved one. "The Sleeping Dragon" is a poem about a dragon who has his heart broken by a princess.

On Dreams and Bright Stuff: Complete is an engaging and immersive poetry collection. Debra A.F. Seiz's poems are intimate and personal yet relatable because of the universal themes the author focuses on in this collection. The poems are captivating, with free-flowing and experimental structures that feel fresh and authentic. I really enjoyed them and found them to be emotionally evocative and thematically rich. While some of these poems tell riveting stories, others are more abstract. The book also contains a few poems from Debra's childhood toward the end which are fun and light-hearted, suitable for kids and their parents alike. These poems are also complemented by some entertaining artwork. Overall, this is a beautiful collection for poetry lovers. Highly recommended.