One Tough Cookie 2

Children - Action
40 Pages
Reviewed on 05/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

One Tough Cookie 2 by Sean Cusack is a kids' illustrated action tale. Super Chip is back. The Big Bad Bully Fish is sitting in jail with his friends while our chocolate chip cookie superhero spends his days being a superhero. Big Bad Bully Fish breaks out of jail, and Super Chip runs into him down a dark alley. When Super Chip suddenly loses his powers, he can only watch while the evil baddies run riot in the city, causing trouble wherever they go. Can Chip regain his powers? Will he and his friends be able to stop the bullies and bring peace to the city once more?

One Tough Cookie 2 by Sean Cusack is the second book in this series. The illustrations by Sam Hintz are cleverly drawn and add an extra dimension to the story. As well as being a fun action story, this book also teaches kids several valuable lessons. When all seems lost, there is always a way out, and no matter what obstacles get in the way, they can always make it through, especially when they have the help and support of their friends and family. The characters are just the kind that kids will love, and what kid doesn't like a good superhero story? This is a wonderfully written story that kids of all ages will love. They will laugh their way through it, they'll love the drawings of the different characters, and they'll want it to be read to them time and again. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and think it's the storytime book for all kids.