How Ten Seconds Can Change Your Life

Non-Fiction - Social Issues
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 08/18/2022
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Author Biography

Becky is the mother of Nick and Jack and the co-founder of the 525 Foundation. She is a prevention specialist and has been a registered nurse for over 30 years. She is a sought-after national speaker who educates teens, parents, first responders, and school officials on the dangers of prescription drug misuse. Becky is passionate about primary prevention through outreach, education, and support. She has a BS in nursing from Ball State University and an MS in nursing education from Bethel University. She is working on an Executive Master in Nonprofit Administration from the University of Notre Dame. Becky and her husband Mike love spending time at Donnell Lake, Michigan, with their two young adult sons, Justin and Matt. When Becky is not out on the lake or at home in Granger, Indiana, she can be found at an ice rink somewhere or chasing her crazy dogs – Cash, Sadie, Josie, and sweet Piper!

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

#ONECHOICE – How Ten Seconds Can Change Your Life is a work of non-fiction in the social issues subgenre. It is suitable for the general reading audience and was penned by author Becky Savage, with contributions from the memories of Nick and Jack Savage. The book tells the story of two brothers who were celebrating the end of their high school careers with their classmates when they made the fatal decision to take Oxy after someone started offering it around at a party. The legacy of the brothers sends a powerful message about peer pressure, drugs, and the effect that a single decision can have.

This is one of the most powerful works of non-fiction I’ve ever read, written by a mother in the spirit of the two sons she lost to an overdose one fateful night when a single decision cost them everything. Author Becky Savage does a beautiful job in capturing the spirit of her sons Nick and Jack as she explores the events that led to them making a single, uncharacteristic choice that led to their deaths whilst still in their teens. It is aimed predominantly at educating parents and teenagers about the deadly consequences of narcotics by highlighting the fact that it only takes one bad choice in one moment to have life-changing consequences. Overall, #ONECHOICE never shies away from the harsh reality of drugs, peer pressure, or grief, but it does find a successful approach to the discussion by focusing on non-judgmental education for young people who find themselves in a similar situation to Nick and Jack and, in doing so, I believe that in the right hands this book could help save lives.

Pikasho Deka

#ONECHOICE is the cautionary tale of brothers Nick and Jack Savage, who lost their lives to an accidental oxycodone overdose on July 14, 2015. In this book, their mother, Becky Savage, a prevention specialist and registered nurse for over thirty years, shares the life story of her sons and how one choice changed the course of their lives and their loved ones. Narrated through the points of view of Nick, Jack, and Becky, the book follows Nick and Jack from their childhood through their adolescent years to their late teens. With a one-year difference between the two, Nick and Jack shared a close friendship on top of being siblings. While Nick was in his freshman year of college, Jack graduated from high school. After attending a string of graduation parties, on that fateful night in 2015, the brothers bid adieu to this world.

Experimenting with prescription meds or opioids is always a high-risk choice that can lead to devastating consequences. #ONECHOICE by Becky Savage showcases how she lost her two beloved sons, Nick and Jack Savage, to accidental oxycodone overdoses on the same night. I can only imagine what a mother could've gone through at that time. Nick and Jack were both athletic, popular, and showed so much potential. But they could not live fulfilling lives due to one single mistake many youngsters are prone to nowadays. Although heartbreaking, their story serves as a reminder for others to never delve into something that they may not completely understand. A relevant book that I highly recommend.

Foluso Falaye

We all know peer pressure is a major problem among teenagers. Sometimes, it pushes them to be more competitive and productive, while some other times, it leads to bad decisions and lifelong regrets—if one is lucky enough to survive them. Unfortunately for Nick and Jack Savage, they weren't so lucky. #ONECHOICE depicts the deeply moving story of two teenage brothers who made a mistake that cost their lives when they chose to take Oxy pills on a day of celebration and passed away shortly after. The book includes different unique events from the brothers' childhood to their teenagehood, the heartwarming messages people had for and about them, and an overview of common drugs and their effects. Their mother, Becky Savage, shares this story to enlighten readers about the power of choices and help prevent "future accidental overdoses on prescription pills."

Writing a book about the painful reality of losing family members to drugs to prevent others from going through similar incidents is the sort of highly commendable and heroic act that revives one's faith in humanity. I got seriously emotional and teary when I read about the loss from the perspectives of the victims' mother, friends, roommates, and others. As their stories are narrated in the first person, it was easy to connect to the brothers and imagine myself in their position. On the positive side, Nick and Jack Savage's story reveals the importance of adding more joy and positivity to the world, even while playing hockey, doing science fair projects, or creating art like the brothers. Every high school or college student should read #ONECHOICE. In fact, if you have, at one point, engaged in substance abuse or considered it, this book is for you.

Alma Boucher

Jack and Nick Savage went to a few post-grad parties. There were no parents at the last party and crazy stuff was happening. When a kid passed out, someone called 911. Some people rushed to help the kid and the rest went home. Two friends went home with Jack and Nick and nobody talked about the two brothers that tried oxy after a few beers. The next morning Becky went into Jack’s room to pick up his laundry and saw he was not breathing. Becky called 911 and started CPR on Jack. One of Nick’s friends told her Jack and Nick had tried oxy the previous night. The paramedic left Jack and went to the basement. They had a second 911 call from one of Nick’s friends. That morning the Savage family’s life changed forever in #ONECHOICE: How Ten Seconds Can Change Your Life by Becky Savage.

#ONECHOICE: How Ten Seconds Can Change Your Life by Becky Savage is very emotional. Becky writes everything the way it happened and does not hide anything. She does not shy away from sharing her feelings with the reader. There is a lot of information, but it is easy to understand and remember. The purpose of the story is to raise awareness about the dangers of alcohol and prescription drug misuse and abuse. Common drugs used by teens are discussed at the back of the book. There are also tips for staying safe from substance misuse and abuse. The 525 Foundation wants to educate teens and families. They hope that the information in this story will help prevent future overdoses on prescription medicine.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

#ONECHOICE by Nick, Jack, and Becky Savage tells the story of How Ten Seconds Can Change Your Life. Jack and Nick Savage were brothers and they both died the same night – graduation night. All they wanted was a good time with their friends, to say goodbye to the old and welcome in a new life. They had great friends and their night was filled with chatter about their lives, good stories, and the not-so-good. Then came the pills. A bottle of Oxy and, in a split second, the boys made a choice, one that can never be put right. They thought it was just good fun. They didn’t know they wouldn’t wake to see another sunrise, to see their family again. One choice can change things forever but they want you to know that choices matter – they truly can be the difference between life and death. This is their story.

#ONECHOICE is the heartbreaking story of Nick and Jack Savage, their story told with the help of Becky Savage. A night that should have been one of their happiest ended in tragedy because of a choice they made. This story leads you through their lives up to that fateful night, lives that were happy, filled with family vacations and celebrations, the all-American life. Sad though it is, it is also filled with love and tenderness as Becky brings her boys’ personalities to life. This story is a warning to all, not just of the dangers of drugs and addiction, but also of the run-on effect our choices have on ourselves and others. A hard book to read, it is one of the most important you will ever have the privilege of reading; a tough story written by a strong woman who now puts her time and effort into helping others make the right choices. The story ends with information to help teens and their parents and this is a must-read for all, especially those with teens in their life.